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Q: Why do wetlands have a great amount of rainfall?
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What is the average rainfall per year in the wetlands?

1000000000 billion miles per year

How much rain falls in the wetlands?

answ2. Wetlands are a function of lack of drainage, not of rainfall. There are swamps in the Quattara Depression in Egypt. But the area is pretty dry.

Why the amount of rainfall is important for climate?

Why is the amount of rainfall so important for climate

What is an annual rainfall?

Annual rainfall is the amount of rainfall per year

What is annual rainfall?

Annual rainfall is the amount of rainfall per year

What is the highest amount of rainfall in Hawaii?

highest amount of rainfall in hawaii is a 15 inches

Which habitat receives a great amount of rainfall and its temperatures remain warm all year?

The tropical rainforest.

What if Great Plains received greater than average amount of rainfall in one year?

I believe that if Great Plains received greater than average amount of rainfall one year,the people who live there would have more water than ever.The only problem is that there would be flooded.

Are hurricanes classified by their rainfall amount or there wind speed?


Why mumbai has 4 months rainfall yet receives 200cms of rainfall while chennai has 8 months of rainfall yet receives 100cms of rainfall?

The amount of rainfall plays a large part in the amount of rainfall in the area. Chennai may have 8 months of rain but with less amont of rain that the total amount of Mumbai

What makes up wetlands biodiversity?

what makes up wetlands is a large number of plants,animals,insects and reptiles also a wetland could be a swaps and lakes.