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they do so because their babies have been in their nice, warm tummy for so long and an immediate temp change in cool waters can kill the baby easily.. a bit like when new babies are born they are sometimes put in a box like an incubator so they don't become cold and form deficiencies

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because it's safer and easier for the whale calf, and there's more food.

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Q: Why do whale sharks live in warm waters?
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Where do whale sharks live?

Whale sharks live in all seas that are tropical or warm-temperate.Generally whale sharks range no further south than South America and no further north than the United States. They prefer warmer waters near the equator.== Whale sharks live in warm waters near the equator, both along the coast and in the open seas. They spend most of their time near the surface.

Can you describe where whale sharks live?

Preferring warm waters, whale sharks populate all tropical seas. They are known to migrate every spring to the continental shelf of the central west coast of Australia.

What waters do whale sharks live?

whale Sharks live in warm oceans

Do bull sharks only live you warm water?

Yes warm and salt waters :)

Where do blue whale's pray live?

The pray of a blue whale live in warm waters in the pacific and in the atlatic (krill.)

What waters do whales and dolphins live in?

usually warm and shallow waters such as the ones that great white sharks live in. that's why you would much more likely see a dolphin or whale on a beach in the Mediterranean than somewhere on the Antarctic.

Are whale sharks warm or coldblooded?

Whale sharks - like the majority of sharks - are cold blooded.

What ocean do hammerhead sharks live in?

All warm and tropical waters

Are there any whales that live in warm water?

Yes. The Bryde's Whale, humpback whale, short-finned pilot whale and the sperm whale are all whales that either live permanently, or travel through, warm and tropical waters.

Is the sea warm for hammerhead sharks?

Yes, hammerheads tend to live in warmer,tropical waters.

Why do hammerhead sharks live in warm and tropical waters of the oceans?

so they could kill the animals

What zone in the ocean do sharks live?

Whale sharks, the largest existing fish, inhabit all tropical and warm temperate seas.