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I don't really believe there are exact reasons. I'm 17 and I lost my baby at 4 weeks. I know I wasn't far along, but I have been very emotional over it. I ask myself everyday, why? But there isn't a good enough reason out there. Everyone will repeat "because it wasn't supposed to happen" or "oh it could've of been retarded or something". How rude right? Well, my theory is, I was on birth control and I kept switching because it made me have really weird periods...I also have a sleeping disorder, which I have to take muscle relaxers for. I think mine was caused by all those pills that were taken, when I didn't know I was pregnant. I started off blaming myself, that's the worst thing to do. Everything DOES happen for a reason. I wish I could have that baby everyday of my life. We picked the name Gracie for a girl the night before it happened, and now its tattoed on my leg, because no matter what, it is a part of you. And it makes you only stronger.

I hope I could help.


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12y ago
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15y ago

It usually happens when the babies heart stops beating, when something if you were a smoker, drinker, or you used tobbaco in any way...or If you you in some way hurt the baby inside your tummy It usually happens when the babies heart stops beating, when something if you were a smoker, drinker, or you used tobbaco in any way...or If you you in some way hurt the baby inside your tummy

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9y ago

Women lose their babies through miscarriages due to a problem with the placenta, woman's health, for example, if a woman is suffering from Diabetes, or due to other infections such as rubella, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, or vaginosis.

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How long do it takes to have a miscarriage?

Yes it's called a missed abortion/miscarriage..It happened to me and the pregnancy had stopped growing at 5 weeks and here I am at 7.5 weeks..I end up having to take misoprostol to end it.

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A woman's body may undergo a miscarriage if it is carrying an unviable fetus. If the miscarriage was done purposely, it is known as an induced miscarriage or abortion.

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yes,miscarriage is a great risk of a 3 week pregnant woman.

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Yes, a woman will typically ovulate 2-4 weeks after a miscarriage.

How can a woman get a miscarriage without alcohol?

yes she an there are many ways she can get it

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The price of a DNC after a miscarriage will depend on if the woman has insurance or not. The price would be reduced if the procedure is covered by insurance,

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In some women the Makabuhay plant can cause a pregnant woman to suffer a miscarriage. It is thought that the plant may cause muscle spasm which can cause a miscarriage.

Is mutton marrow soup bad for a pregnant woman?

It can induce a miscarriage.

Is there a higher risk of conceiving after a miscarriage?

Yes a woman is highly fertile after childbirth, miscarriage and abortion due to the hormones. It settles after a few months.