

Why do woodpeckers need trees?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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12y ago

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It's where they make their homes.

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Q: Why do woodpeckers need trees?
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Why do green woodpeckers have long beaks?

Because they need to peck into the trees

Why are trees helpful to woodpeckers?

Trees provide food, shelter and a nest site for Woodpeckers.

What kinds of trees do woodpeckers peck?

Woodpeckers live mostly in cavities in trees, but some have adapted to living in cacti in the Southwest US.

Do woodpeckers live in forest trees?

woodpeckers do live in forest trees. they actually live in many places. not deserts. published by Dr. Hillian

How do woodpeckers affect pine trees?


What are some trees most likely to be undamaged by woodpeckers?

Woodpeckers attack trees that are infested by insects...that is what they are after. So trees that are less likely to suffer insect infestation are MORE likely to be left undamaged by woodpeckers. I don't know of any tree totally impervious to insects.

Why do woodpeckers put holes in birch trees?

Woodpeckers are looking for food. They are looking for insects in the bark/tree.

What birds can climb trees?

Probably birds like woodpeckers etc. If you want to learn more about them just go to

What are woodpeckers habitat?

the woods...or wherever trees are. OR WOOD.

Where do woodpeckers live in the forest?

high up in the trees

Where do woodpeckers shelter?

There are many different species of woodpeckers found in different areas. All woodpeckers make their nests and take shelter in holes that they make in trees.

Why do woodpeckers live in dead trees?

They are the only trees with wood soft enough for them to peck it out