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The cylindrical shape of a gutter spout looks like a tree branch to a woodpecker. The woodpecker is just looking for insects to eat.

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Q: Why do woodpeckers peck on gutter spouts?
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Do woodpeckers peck things that are not wood?

Just peck it to get to the insects inside the wood.

What do Woodpeckers do during the day?

peck on wood

What do woodpeckers do everyday?

they peck on wood idiot

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Woodpeckers can peck at up to 150 times a minute.

Do woodpeckers actually peck wood or are they just kidding with us?

Well, woodpeckers peck trees, which i guess could categorize under wood. Hope I helped!

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How much wood do woodpeckers peck?

as much as they want to

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A woodpecker could peck no peckers because no woodpeckers would peck peckers.

Why do woodpeckers peck multiple holes in a row?

trying to zero in on an insect

Do woodpeckers peck on live trees?

Yes =3 hope I helped!

Why do green woodpeckers have long beaks?

Because they need to peck into the trees

What are woodpeckers beak for?

Their beaks are designed to be able to peck insects out of tree bark.