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Q: Why do workers wear red and white on labor day?
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Is it ok to wear white after Labor Day?

It is an old fashioned notion that one should not wear white after Labor Day. The 'season' begins after Memorial Day. In the South, one can wear white again after Easter. (This is probably because it gets warmer sooner in the South.)

Can you wear white shoes before Labor Day?


Why you cant wear white after larbor day?

It used to be socially unacceptable to wear white after Labor Day but that rule is outdated and people wear what they want these days.

Who said don't wear white after Labor Day?

There is not one specific person who said it but it is a long-standing fashion rule. Nowadays many think it is ok to wear white after Labor Day.

When can you wear white shoes?

Easter sunday until labor day

Is it unstylish to wear white after Labor Day?

A lot of people do say its unstylish to wear white after Labor Day but I think its a personal choice. If you want to wear your white dress in November then wear it. Don't worry about what other people say about it.

Why is it Labor Day?

It honors labor--workers. Giving the workers a break.

Can you wear white after Labor Day?

yes because its your choice not the guy next to you

Why cant girls wear white shoes after Labor Day?

It's a mystery...

Is it proper to wear white after Labor Day when going on a cruise to Mexico?


Can I wear white after Labor Day?

The rule was that you can only wear white after Memorial Day and up until Labor Day. It's not so much about the color as it is about the fabric and style. White wool is very popular in the winter. White sweaters are popular, too. For the most part, white shoes are reserved for summer, as our purses and belts. Use good judgment. When in doubt, don't wear it.

When is ok to wear white?

When I was growing up, it was always said you wear white after memorial day prior to Labor Day. But today I have to ask why? Wear white when you want to. It looks so nice all year round so go for it...