

Why do you American salute the flag?

Updated: 8/16/2021
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6y ago

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It is just a way to show respect for a country :)

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Nasir Nader

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Q: Why do you American salute the flag?
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Do you salute the American flag with a bicycle helmet?

First, I assume the question is really..."Do you salute the American flag while you are wearing a bicycle helmet?" If the helmet is part of a uniform, you salute. If it's not, you take the helmet off and hold it over your heart. Second, if the question is..."Do you salute a bicycle helmet with an American flag on it?" then the answer is no.

How far from you is the American flag when you begin to salute?

12 feet

Are American Muslins forbidden to Salute the American Flag?

If you are "American" what difference does your religion matter. I would say yes.

If there is no flag do you salute?

Yes. You always salute. I was always taught to salute even if there was no flag. I would just in case tho.

Why do you we salute the flag?

We salute the flag because it shows loyalty and it shows the love for our country.

How do Girl Scouts salute a flag?

The salute is made with the right hand over the heart, the standard civil, not military, flag salute.

Do Quakers salute the American flag?

Some do, some don't, same as most other folks!

Why don't Girl Scouts salute the flag?

Girl Scouts salute the flag with their hands on their hearts. They do not use a military salute. Girl Scouts also participate in flag ceremonies.

What is a good sentence for salute?

Let's all stand and salute the flag.

Why do sailors salute when leaving a ship?

When leaving the ship you salute the officer on duty and ask permission to leave the ship. Then you stand on top of the gangway, face the flag and salute it. This is to show your respect to America and the flag. When leaving the ship you salute the Officer on Duty and ask permission to leave the ship. Then you stop at the top of the gangway and salute the flag. This is to show respect to America and the flag.

Is it proper for Boy Scouts to salute the American flag?

The BSA states: The hand-to-forehead salute is correct for flag ceremonies for any person wearing a uniform of the Boy Scouts of America. This includes those wearing the blue blazer dress uniform. The hand-over-heart salute should be used when not in uniform.

Why is it important to salute your flag?

People salute flags to express loyalty to their nation.