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Q: Why do you add H2SO4 instead of HCL in redox titration?
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Why you do not use HNO3 or HCL in titration of redox?

HNO3 is not used in redox titration because being a good oxidising ageant it oxidises the compound itself whereas HCL is a very volatile and it takes part in the reaction therefore H2SO4 is used in the reaction

Why sulfuric acid is used in Redox titration instead of HCl?

Because sulphuric acid is non volatile and its sulphate ion is not interfering during the titration process while HCl is a volatile substance and its chloride ion interfere in the reaction as a reducing agent.

Example redox titration calculator?

Zn + KNO3 + HCl → ZnCl2 + KCl + NH4Cl + H2O

Is it possible to use HCL instead of h2so4 during kmno4 titration?

marri bhi yahi doubt se bhaI DUR KARAN ALE NE 10 Rs E NAAM

What problem will happen if you use hydrochloric acid instead of sulphuric acid in titration?

It would change your results because concentrated HCl is more acidic then H2SO4, therefore, there would be a larger change in pH quicker.

Why use sulphuric acid in redox titration?

H2SO4 is a strong acid and will deliver H(+) which will help to proceed the reaction much faster. Thereby, the sulphate-ions barely react in a redoxreaction. If we would take HCl for example, the Cl(-) ions can easily take part in a redoxreaction as a reductor.

Why sulfuric acid is used in redox titrations?

Dilute sulfuric acid H2SO4 is an indifferent acid to oxidising substances, while HCl (potential +1.36V) is a reductant and HNO3 (potential +0.96V) is an oxidant.

Why was HCL added for the titration f Vitamin C?

HCL is used to provide the acidic conditions required in the iodometeric titration.

What does this equal LiCl plus H2SO4?


What is the product of h2so4 and Cl ions?

Cl- + H2SO4 = (HSO4)- + HCl

What is the equation between hSo4- and HCl?

hso4- + hcl = H2so4 + cl-

Eliseo couldn't find the 6m hcl and so used 6m hno3 for testing the metals instead his logic both are strong acids exlpain how the results of the experiment would have been different?

HNO3 should have not been used in redox titration because being a good oxidising ageant it oxidises the compound itself whereas HCL is a very volatile and it takes part in the reaction.