

Why do you add soil to a compost?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Compost is good for many reasons:

- compost is a conditioner for the soil

- a fertilizer for the soil

- a natual pesticide for the soil

in ecosystems it is good for:

- erosion control

- land and stream reclamation

- wetland construction

- and as landfill cover
composting helps us by supplying nutrients to soil when we put it on top of soil. composting is also good because composting food scraps stops a lot of stuff going into landfills.

composting is good for the worldNew AnswerCompost encourages earthworms and other advantageous organisms whose actions assist crops develop powerful and wholesome. It offers vitamins and improves the soil. Moist clay soils drain much better and sandy soils maintain much more moisture if amended with compost. A compost pile retains natural issue useful for backyard use and, being an additional benefit, retains the material from filling overburdened landfills.
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13y ago

people produce waste because they need things and when the things grow old they have to throw it away

Organic waste is spoiled food, inedible parts such as banana and orange peels, lawn cuttings, gardening trimmings, autumn leaves.

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15y ago

[1] Some experts say to add soil to a compost pile that has no soil, some not. [2] Those who say yes believe that it gives composting a head start. The idea is that microorganisms ka detritivores, from the soil food web, will start the breakdown of compostable material into organic matter.

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8y ago

Busy schedules and limited space are reasons why people engage in hot composting. The process in question lets recyclables break down in far less than a year. It relies upon frequent layering to sustain the 160 degree Fahrenheit (71.11 degree Celsius) temperatures needed for micro-organisms to decompose compostables as efficiently as possible.

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8y ago

Happenstance, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and serendipity are reasons why people started to compost. Nobody has access to prehistoric decision-making since palentologists only find cave art as a form of communication and record-keeping on par with historic written records. Composting therefore may well have started with cave people tossing food scraps in a corner and finding fertile soil months later.

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8y ago

Composting uses organic matter that otherwise would be dumped into a landfill and not returned to the nitrogen cycle. Compost also serves as an effective organic fertilizer for plants.

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What can you add to soil to enhance its qualities?

This depends on the type of soil that you have. But for the average soil the addition of organic matter or compost will enhance the soil quality

Why do gardeners add rotted compost to soil?

they do that be cause it it it like food for the plant.

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Why do gardeners add rotted down compost to the soil in compost bins?

Freshening nutrients, jumpstarting micro-organisms, and supporting soil food webs are reasons why gardeners add rotted-down compost to the soil in compost bins. The soil in question actually owes its existence to the breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter through composting and requires periodic injections of aged compost to keep micro-organisms active and nutrients effective if the compost does not get used immediately as amendments, fertilizers, and mulches.

What are the benefits of a compost?

Compost adds nutrients to the soil and loosens the soil.

Can you put soil in compost?

Yes, you can add soil to compost as it can help balance the carbon and nitrogen ratio in the compost pile. Soil also introduces beneficial microorganisms that aid in the decomposition process. However, ensure that the soil is free from any contaminants or chemicals that could affect the quality of the compost.

Why does compost help the soil?

Compost adds nutrients and phytonutrients to the soil and also makes the soil looser and easier to work.

Could compost turn into soil?

Yes. When you compost something, it breaks down and returns nutrients to the soil.

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Why do gardeners add rotted down compost to their soil?

[1] Compost's the result of the breakdown of carbon and nitrogen-rich materials. Carbon and nitrogen are among the 16-17 nutrients that are found in healthy soil. [2] Healthy soil's characterized by adequate organic material, and air and water pore spaces. [3] Organic matter from the compost pile enriches soil. At the same time, it improves drainage, infiltration, and percolation.

What can manure and compost replace?

Manure and compost can replace soil or dirt.

How and when do you apply compost to the soil?

In colder climates that only have one growing season, you apply compost only once a year to your garden. In the fall time, after your growing season has finished, you would mix the compost into the soil in your garden, allowing it to decompose further through the winter. This will give you a garden bed of nutrient rich soil come spring time. In warmer climates that effectively have 2 growing seasons, or grow year around, you would apply compost to the soil in the fall and in the spring before planting your next round of plants. You can also add compost to the soil during the heat of the summer when nothing is growing, to help reduce erosion, maintain moisture, and to help combat weeds. For best results, apply compost by digging and turning a foot deep of soil and then folding the compost into the loose soil.