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In most denominations this has more to do with the Parents promising to raise the child in a Godly way teaching them about the Lord until such time the child can make the decision to follow Christ themselves.

Its more of a dedication type thing. Because you are right, you can't accept something you don't have some sorta understanding about.

Hope that helps.

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Q: Why do you baptize babies before they can understand?
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You would have to ask a Catholic Priest. Baptist don't baptize babies

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That is not a Jehovah's witness question really. Jehovah's Witnesses get baptized when they are old enough to understand what they are doing and dedicate their lives to the doing of Jehovah's will. This is true of any one of Jehovah's Witnesses weather hispanic or not. This would not be possible for a baby. Jesus Christ was 30 when he was baptized.

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they baptize by blood they baptize by blood

Can one baptize himself?

iNo he can not baptize himself the priest has to do it