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Q: Why do you believe B.t.Washington was invited to the white house and not Bu Bios?
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President John F Kennedy, I believe

Why was Frederick Douglass invited to the White House?

Douglas was invited to the White House to discuss grievances of the black soldiers.

Has every super bowl champion been invited to the White House and if not what teams were not invited or did not attend?

No the 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers were not invited to the White House. Must of been a Raiders fan....

When was the first sports team invited to the White House?

Andrew Johnson invited a baseball team to the White House on August 30,1865. It was not an all-pro team. U.S. Grant invited the first all professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings. on June 26,1869.

Did the white house receive its name after a black man was invited there for dinner?

No. Its because the house is white colored, you moron.

When did Booker t Washington get invited to the White House?

he was invaited cuz they want him to talk bout civil right to the pres

Did Booker T Washington visit the White House?

Yes, in 1901 he was invited by Teddy Roosevelt for dinner at the White House.

When does the Jonas brother come to Washington?

Usually when their invited to the White House.

What super bowl winning teams were not invited to the White House?

The only Superbowl winning team to never be invited to the White House is the 2002 Tampa Bay Buccaneers. But everyones quick to come visit Tampa

Who was the first-ever black to be invited to the White House?

obmama and his wife and kids

Which president has invited the most sport celebrities to the white house?

Barrack Obama

Where was Miley Cyrus invited to sing on Easter Day in 2007?

The White House