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Because cola is measured in litres and milk in gallons where you happen to live. Many people also measure both in litres.

Another reason is that Coca-Cola is an international company, and their products are standardized with their clients from all over the world rather than just in the US. Milk, on the other hand, is a natural product, so it's common for it to have been measured in gallons long since such system was adopted.

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Q: Why do you buy cola by the liter and milk by the gallon?
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How do you get a gallon of milk?

Go to the store and buy it!!

How much was a gallon of milk in 1997?

the milk was so bad so no one would buy it,but it was 1.89 a gallon of milk.

What are some things that are 1 liter?

two of the soda bottles you buy in the machines at school.

What is an example of something that is 1 gallon?

Well, sometimes people buy a gallon of milk!

Why is Coca-Cola sold by liters and not gallons?

The gallon we use for our liquids comes from the Roman word galeta, which meant "a pailful." There have been a number of very different gallon units over the years, but the gallon we use in the United States is probably based on what was once known as the "wine gallon" or Queen Anne's gallon, which was named for the reigning monarch when it was standardized in 1707. The wine gallon corresponded to a vessel that was designed to hold exactly eight troy pounds of wine.

How much is a gallon of milk and were?

you buy cows milk at the grocery store for about 2.00 a gallon in Utah but if you want sheep or goats milk it's most likely more expensive. I work at a goat dairy and milk goes for about 10.00 a gallon.

What was the price of a gallon of milk on march 18 2003?

In the UK you could buy a gallon (8 pints) of milk for £2 in March 2013.

Would it be cheaper to buy gasoline at 25 cents per liter or 85 cents per gallon?

per gallon is cheaper than 1 liter. 1 gallon = 3.785 liters so 1 gallon is .85 and 3.785 liters is .956.

Which deal is better 2 qt of milk for 3 or 1 gal of milk for 3?

The gallon of milk for 3 there are 4 qts to a gallon, so if 2 qts cost 3 dollars if you buy the gallon you get 4 qts for same price

Where can you buy 2 liter fresca?

Since it is a coca cola product it can be mostly found at any American walmarts.

Would it be cheaper to buy gas at 25 cents per liter or 85 cents per gallon?

85 Cents per gallon is cheaper, which is a rate of about 22.43 cents per liter.

Why do you buy coke by the liter and milk by the gallon?

Perhaps because coke is sold globally and fresh milk is not. Normally, each country sells its fresh milk locally, and therefore they use the system of measurement commonly used in that country. In other words, you use the system of measurement that will be most easily understood by your intended market.