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Although renewable energy sources are better for the planet, they are not so good for your pocket. Solar panels etc. can cost alot of money to install, but governments are slowly introducing a rebate or cash back for people who do turn to renewable energy.

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9y ago

Renewable energy sources have not yet completely replaced the use of fossil fuels because they are expensive. This is because of the technology needed to convert the renewable energy sources into energy. This is also because it can not support the amount of electricity used today.

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The fossil fuel lobby is very persuasive, like the tobacco lobby.

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11y ago

Because they are more energy efficient. Eventually we will have to start using renewable energy because it's running out, and fast! GO RENEWABLE ENERGY YEAH!

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Q: Why do people use fossil fuels instead of renewable energy?
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Why do people use so much nuclear power instead of renewable energy?

All being invented are spend too much energy, so there's no full-powered renewable energy yet

How can people save money by using renewable energy at home?

If you use renewable energy then you aren't using the energy generated in power stations so fossil fuels aren't being burned to create energy which coats a lot of money, where as renewable energy is basically free apart from the equipment you need to transfer the energy into useful energy such as sunlight is free and so is wind.

Why do people need to develop alternative sources of renewable energy and become less dependent on fossil fuels?

Mainly two reasons. (1) The fossil fuels will eventually be used up. (2) Fossil fuels cause pollution.

When do the transition from fossil fuels to other energy sources occur?

Fossil fuels will some day run out, so the only means of energy will be from renewable sources. The use of biofuels is rapidly growing, but petroleum is source for most of the fuel for our cars. So, we are transitioning, but not very fast. Renewable energy sources have been significant contributors to our energy needs for decades, primarily in hydroelectric power from dams. The US governmental agencies are encouraging people to use energy efficiently and increase the supply of energy from renewable sources. See related link. You can also find information on each of the renewable energy sources (wind, hydroelectric, solar and biofuels) by searching the internet.

How people can be persuaded to use less fossil fuel by using renewable resources?

In simple terms.... education ! People need to be made to realise that fossil fuels WILL run out ! That will force people to use alternative energy sources. Better to start now - than wait until there is no way back !

Can money help with global warming?

Yes. Enough money would convince the power companies to stop burning coal and use renewable energy sources instead, like solar, water, wind and geothermal. Enough money would convince people and countries to stop cutting down forests but to plant them again. Enough money would stop the car and airplane industries to stop using fossil fuel to power their machines but to instead develop electrical motors that will use renewable energy. Sadly, people are not prepared to spend that money, or if they are, then very slowly.

Why is tidal power useful?

Tidal power is useful because it generates electricity that is renewable, free and non-polluting. So it is an excellent replacement for energy from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which is non-renewable, expensive and polluting (that is, causing global warming).

Does uranium contain more energy than coal?

yes uranium contains a lot more energy than coal and that is one of the reasons that people prefer nuclear power to fossil fuel power but like coal uranium is not! renewable

Is solar energy a renewable energy?

some people say it isnt if its the sun, so if u mean the the sun then no, it is not renewable. solar energy itself, you PROBABLY could...

How can you slow down the use of fossil fuels?

We can slow the use of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) by educating people on the reasons for global warming.We can also move to renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal among others).

Why do most people use nonrenewable energy instead of renewable resources?

Cost. If there was an alternative that was cost effective the free market would embrace it. Unfortunately there is no cost effective solution. Hold on to your wallets because the solution will be to raise current energy costs to "level" it with more expensive "renewable" sources.

How long would the non-renewable energy resources last in US in the future. What would people do if they run out of non-renewable energy resources?

The US has plenty of coal, the most polluting fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas). Oil and gas are becoming more difficult and expensive to find.When these run out (and hopefully before) people will start using renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel), which does not cause global warming.