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A dream about being stuck somewhere means that the dreamer feels "stuck" in the metaphorical sense. It might be feeling stuck in a dead-end job, a bad relationship or a problem that defies resolution.

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Q: Why do you dream about being stuck somewhere?
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The significance of this dream could lie in the subject being talked about by the two friends. In general terms, having one's feet stuck to the floor suggests that the dreamer has a situation in real life of being unable to do what one needs or wants to do. The dream has presented a literal picture representing the expression, "I'm stuck." Like the expression, the dream could relate to many different things.

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No, one cannot get "stuck" in a dream. Such ideas are science fiction and fantasy.

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he is stuck in the dream mode, he is separate from the reality.

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Dreams sometimes play with words. Working with dead relatives could be a statement about being stuck in a dead-end job.

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Being outbid on a house purchase signifies that the person lost in the bidding to another person or simply he lost. So this dream might have occured to you because of that person loosing somewhere in reality or your inner desire to make him lose.

What word can be used to describe being stuck in a rut?

Monotonous is being stuck in a rut.

What does it mean if you dream of being stuck in a building?

The interpretation of this dream depends on whose house the dreamer is stuck in. If it is the dreamer's own house, it means that one is somehow stuck in one's own life without enough input from and interaction with the rest of the world. It's time to get in touch with other people. If the house is a strange place, or someone else's home, the dreamer needs to figure out what the house represents. Is it the workplace, meaning the dreamer is stuck in a dead-end job? Is it the parents' home, suggesting the dreamer needs to cut the apron strings? Or is it the house of the ex-spouse? In that case the dreamer needs to find closure and move on with life. Well, It could mean something, or maybe you did something the night before like watching a movie that bothered you? Or, it could just be the random dream night. you have more that 20 dreams a night, EVERY night, but you do not always remember it..