

Why do you feel cold inside the house?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Why do you feel cold inside the house?
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That's the air temperature at about 5 ft. in the air. The concrete slab is always going to be cold and radiate that cold into the house.

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You feel cold when you come inside from the snow because your nerves are gaining sensation. This causes them to notice the temperature of your skin more than when it was numb outside.

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maybe you ate a popsicle

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In a word, Convection, Although it may not feel like it the air that is rising from the crawl space is probably warm air compared to what is surrounding it and just feels cold inside the house.

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when the blood flow is disturbed it stops heat travelling

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Inside pressure is warm and outside is cold. But any where outside my house there is no problem. Urine becomes normal and no problem

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No. Not unless there are a good deal of cold viruses in your house... not typically will you get a cold from being inside. The Common Cold is caused by sickness viruses in the outdoors. It is nearly impossible to get the cold from being indoors.

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It is more like "feel less cold". An igloo is made of blocks of snow. They serve to block wind, and insulate the air inside from the cold outside. If the air outside is -50F, the inside of the igloo might be a nice toasty 10F.

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Your house might be warm on a cold day because inside the walls there might be something to insulate or keep all the wamth from going away.

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GLASS DOES CONDUCT HEAT. It will take on the temperature around it. If you have a very hot drink inside a glass and you touch it, its going to feel very hot. If you have a very cold drink inside a glass and you touch it, it is going to feel very cold.

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