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The vagina is the internal orifice, and therefore doesn't have hair. External female genitals are called the vulva. The general area between your legs is called the public area. Shaving irritation varies from person to person. If you shave other less sensitive parts of your body, like your legs or armpits, and these areas get irritated, it is likely that your pubic area will get even more irritated. However, it is possible for shaving to irritate your pubic area even if it doesn't cause any problems on your legs. A good way to assess how your pubic area will react to any hair removal method is to try out the method on a very small area, just on the very edge of your bikini line. See how the area where you removed hair reacts, and assume that the more sensitive parts of your pubic area (for example your labia, the crease between your leg and your vulva, etc.) will react more uncomfortably.

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18y ago
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14y ago

Your vagina isn't used to being shaved and the hair there is thicker and more corse that the hair on you legs so it causes some irritation. Its normal, just use shaving cream and some bikini cream and you'll be good to go!

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13y ago

Yes i shave mine. To help, after you shave rub some lotion around that area. & use shaving cream that will also help. Hope everything goes well.

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Q: Why do you get a rash on your vagina just after shaving it?
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Cure for shaving rash?

Alavera gel is great for any type of burn or rash. You can check your grocery store shaving cream section for creams or lotions to cure shaving rash.

What is a bush bump?

Rash from shaving or waxing your pubic area.

How do you cure shaving rash on your legs?

Get a skin cream and you might consider changing what you are using for shaving. Sounds like you have a reaction.

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If you have warts on your legs shaving over them can spread the disease even more. Answer You can get a rash from shaving and sometimes it can look like warts if you are not familiar with what each of them look like.

What if your vagina is sour and has a rash what should you do?

Go to the doctor!

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waxed or shaved but shaving sometimes leaves a rash which is unattractive.

Can shaving round the sexual organs create a rash?

I wouldn't say rash. . . . Maybe razor bumps but nothing serious it does take a while to deplete though

What is bikini rash?

Bikini Rash is generally caused by shaving down the upper inside of the legs to the pubic area on a woman. This leaves a rash and stubble. That's why most young women go for waxing.

If you started getting a rash on your inner thigh area and also below the belly button however no itching in the vagina is this an STD or did you just get your ex-boyfriend's rash?

I think you should make a appointment with a doctor immediatly.

Can I cure heat rash with something that is already in my cupboard?

white vinigar and mentholated shaving cream. by BOB!

Why does vagina hair grow back so fast?

If your shaving then that's the problem waxing works

Is it bad to touch your own vagina?

Per Islam religion rules, touching your vagina for pleasure and masturbation is not allowed. However, casual touching your own vagina, washing/cleaning it, or for shaving is not forbidden.