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There could be several reasons depending upon the facts and the type of insurance. For example, if you are referring to auto insurance, you may have paid the collision coverage on a prior car, replaced the car with another and asked that it be covered by the same insurer. In that case, the collision premium may be greater on the new car than it was on the old, and you would have to pay the difference.

Different answers may apply depending upon the type of insurance involved.

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Q: Why do you get billed again with an insurance adjustment after you had already been billed and you paid earlier?
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If it is owed to the health insurance and they were already paid you must return it the ins. company. If not, you could be charged - heavily - even if you say "I thought it was mine" have a nice day.

Will you bill my insurance company?

Yes, definitely your insurance company must be billed for all its expenses.

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you will be treated in a hospital, then your insurance will pay the costs, if you do not have insurance, you will be billed accordingly.

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my mom said her insurance was billed for $455

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Unless your insurance covers all your bill, you will be billed the first call if the ambulance makes scene (makes it to your house).

Can some explain to you the difference between an insurance adjustment vs insurance write-off You are a Vision care provider and you want to know the correct approach to imputing the insurance paymen?

In short, an adjustment is the difference between your contract rate with the insurance company and your billed charge for the specific procedure (this assumes that your billed charge is above the contract rate, otherwise there is no adjustment). It is the amount that you are not owed, per your insurance contract. A write-off is the difference between your contract rate with the insurance company and the amount you actually collect (this assumes you collected less than the contract rate, otherwise you will have a refund to send). Essentially, this is money you are allowed to collect per your contract, but did not. This could be a write-off of the patient deductible or money not appealed and therefore 'written off' the books. Some write-offs are intentional, but most are not. While adjustments are not usually quantified, because they are not collectible amounts, it is important for your medical billing service/person to provide you a regular summary of total write-offs. Usually with your monthly report. This will show you how good (or bad) your medical billing provider is.

What is meant by primary and secondary insurance coverage?

Primary insurance coverage is what is first used when a medical service is being rendered. This is what will be billed first. Secondary insurance is supposed to cover what the primary insurance does not.

Difference between primary and Secondary commercial claims?

There is one major difference between these types of claims. When a person has two different insurance carriers, one of them is designated as the primary coverage and the other as the secondary. The primary insurance should be billed first and normally pays the bulk of the bill. The secondary insurance gets billed for the remainder of the bill which the primary insurance did not pay for.

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A down payment is normally required of $50 and then billed monthly at $12.75.

Is it true or false in an insurance aging report the aging begins 30 days after the claim was billed?


Can you appeal a medical bill that was improperly billed to your insurance which it still agrees to pay but it has gone on your credit?


Can a doctor charge you more for the remainder if the insurance pays what it is worth?

The doctor bills insurance for your office visit. Insurance will pay the doctor their contracted rate and the rest is written off. if you are billed for charges after the insurance paid, call your insurance company.