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Q: Why do you get pink eye in only one eye when it's highly contagiuos?
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Who gets pink eye?

Because pink-eye is a highly contagious infection, pretty much everyone can get, even of they have perfect vision.

Can you get pink eye from cheese?

No. You can only get pink eye but touching your eye with dirty hands.

Is pink eye contagious?

Yes, pink eye is HIGHLY contagious. Make sure you wash your hands often and if you touch your eye be sure to wash your hands immediately and spray Lysol on whatever you touch after touching your eye. Be sure not to spread the germs from the infected eye to the normal eye if you only have it in one. Its only contagious for the first 24-48 hours after that your fine.

Does Tobramycin 0.3 Eye Drop get rid of pink eye?

yes, I have used it for pink eye and it worked. It only works for pink eye caused by bacteria though. It does not treat viral pink eye.

Can ball pits give you pink eye?

Only if the balls are encrusted in pink eye crust, or if you have pink eye already.

Can pink eye be caused by flying debris?

yes but there eye will not be pink it will be kind of a redish eye?

Can moths carry bacteria or viruses which cause pink eye?

pink eye can be spread from poop. if a moth for some reason has it on them by another human (like landing on it) and then lands on something you touch and the bacteria gets on that thing, you can get pink eye. it's highly unlikely, but still possible.

This medicine is only for pink eye?

my pink eye drops can be used for other things as long as you ask your doctor about other things, or it could possibly harm your eye.

How do you do get pink eye?

This is also called conjunctivitis. It is highly contagious and transmitted by touching your face or eye when you have the germ. It can be caused by not washing your hands.

How to deal with pink eye?

get pink eye drops

Can Clear eyes eye drop help heal a pink eye infection?

No, Clear eyes will only relieve the symptoms but the infection will persist. Pink eye is a bacterial infection- You need an antibiotic

What is the common name for conjunctives?

pink eye