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It helps to reduce activity and makes it easier to concentrate in school etc.

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Q: Why do you give psychostimulants to a child with ADHD?
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Why has the use of medication to treat children with ADHD created controversy?

The controversy surrounds the most common group of drugs used to treat ADHD, psychostimulants. Psychostimulants can be addictive and abused, and some groups have feared the unknown side effects they may have. However, most medical research has shown that treating a person who has ADHD with stimulants lowers their risk of drug abuse. There is also controversy of the legimitacy of ADHD diagnoses. Some believe it is over-diagnosed while others believe that doctors are just more informed and able to recognize it.

What foods aid the focus of ADHD children.?

If your child has ADHD, his or her diet is very important. Be sure to reduce sugar intake, provide a lot of dairy products and give your child a healthy multivitamin.

Does your child have ADHD?

If the mother has ADHD, the child may also have the condition as well?

What are the symptoms of ADHD in a child?

Some symptoms of ADHD in a child include hyperactivity and trouble concentrating. Some children are thought to have a hot temper while they in fact have ADHD.

Can you receive money for your child if your child is ADHD?

No, ADHD is not considered a severe disability and thus does not qualify for additional child support amounts or government assistance.

Can having an ADHD sibling give you some of the symptoms of ADHD?


Please what are the symptoms of ADHD in children that i should look out for. And also what types of food should i give or avoid giving my child that could help in treating ADHD symptoms.?

Diet info here for symptoms

Can giving a child with ADHD cola help?

Yes and no. For me (I'm ADHD) it does, some it makes hyper.

When was Jim Carrey diagnosed with ADHD?

When he was a child

How much ssi does a child with ADHD get?


what adhd treatments without medication are available?

Check with your doctor-he will be able to either give you specific answers or he will be able to give you a list of organizations that can help you decide what is best for you and your child.

Child is very unattentive in school but not hyper Will caffeine help her be more alert She has add and asks lackodaisucal?

Many parents who are hesitant at giving their children psychostimulants to help treat ADHD have used coffee. There are many websites with annecdotal stories on the effectiveness of such treatments. Many parents and adults feel more comfortable using coffee as compared to perscriptions and have believed it to be successful. You can do an internet search on "using coffee to treat ADHD" to read different testamonies and suggested dosages and times.