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You have 2 main bones as there is a joint in your elbow (funny bone). If you had one then your arms would be like a very strong stick. Sticks cannot bend.

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Q: Why do you have 2 bones in the arm instead of just 1?
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Related questions

Arm consists of how many bones?

The arm consists of 1 bone the Humerus. The forearm has two bones: the Radius and the Ulna. There are 3 bones in total from the shoulder to the wrist.

How many bones in the arm and hand?

Our each arm and hand collectively constitute of 30 bones. Eachfore limb has humerus - 1 radius(Fore arm) - 1 Ulna(fore arm) - 1 Carpals(wrist) - 8 Phalanges(palm) - 14 therefore total 30 so total bones that our forelimbs have is 60

How many bones do humans have on a arm only?

Positivitly more then 1.

What is the episode in Bones where Booth calls Bones baby?

Season 5 Episode 1 'Harbingers in the Fountain' after Bones got stabbed in the arm by the doctor.

1 of two lower arm bones?

Radius - Thumb Side. Ulna - Pinky Side.

Base your answer on the diagram of the human arm and on your knowledge of biology Movement of the lower arm bones in the direction indicated by the arrow results from the contraction of?

1; the extensor, but not the flexor

How many bones make up your arm?

Upper arm: Humerus = 1 Forearm: Radius and ulna = 2 Wrist (carpal bones): Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate = 8 Metacarpals: 5 Phalangies: 14 (3 in every finger but only 2 in thumb) A grand total of 30!

How many bones an adult have?

An adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones. These include: - 22 Cranial and Facial Bones - 6 Ear Bones - 1 Throat Bone - 4 Shoulder Bones - 25 Chest Bones - 26 Vertebral Bones - 6 Arm and Forearm bones - 54 Hand Bones - 2 Pelvic Bones - 8 Leg Bones - 52 Foot Bones

How many bones in the upper limb of a frog?

The upper arm of any mammal is made of one bone, the Humerus.

How many bones in a human arms and hands?

In total there are 32 bones one human arm. Here they are: * scapula * clavicle * humerus * ulna * radius * scaphoid * lunate * triquetrum * pisiform * hamate * capitate * trapezoid * trapezium * metacarpals I-V * 14 phalanges

Why is having 2 bones in the arm better than 1?

The two bones in the forearm allow it to turn better, so it is not necessary to turn the whole arm in oreder to slightly change the angle of the hand. There are three bones in the human arm (radius, ulna, humerus), so the question needs to be revised. If the question was supposed to be why having two bones in the FOREARM is better than one, then the answer is because having two bones is what allows the forearm to rotate. If there were only one bone in the forearm, then we would not be able to do so.

Why is a baseball pitchers pitching arm usually longer than the other one sometimes by 1-2 inches?

I believe it has to do with the force exerted on the pitching arm. Throwing all those fast pitches puts strain on the arm and bones, and slowly makes the arm grow longer.