

Why do you have 2 spleens?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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you bet you can :D

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Q: Why do you have 2 spleens?
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What can go wrong with a dogs spleen?

Dogs can develop various conditions affecting the spleen, such as splenic tumors (benign or malignant), splenic torsion (twisting), or splenic rupture (trauma or underlying disease). These conditions can cause symptoms like weakness, lethargy, abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal issues. Veterinary evaluation and treatment are necessary for proper diagnosis and management.

Can the spleen regenerate itself?

I had my spleen removed 40 years ago and have since had two operations where it was noted that I had two small spleens grow in its place. Since then I have had some ultra sounds and have been told that there are now 4 small spleens. I believe they work as I was never given antibiotics to counter infections and at first it took a while to recover from colds but now I recover quite quickly. I had my spleen removed after a car accident at age 14. I took antibiotics for 3 years following the accident. (I include this because the above person seems to think antibiotics will inhibit growth.) I formed a small replacement spleen. These spleens do not come from nowhere and they are not reformations the original spleen. The form from small lymph like nodes located near the spleen. Only some people have them and occasionally after a spleen is removed (A spleen is basically a large complex lymph node) This small node will take over some of the functions of the spleen. There is nothing magical about it; It is simply the act of a previously useless node partially taking over the function of the spleen. It does grow in size and can be quite helpful. However it does not (as far as my research shows) protect against encapsulated bacteria like a spleen would. Encapsulated bacteria being possibly the largest threat to a person lacking a spleen. This is NOT regeneration of the original spleen. It is a node taking over some of the functions of the spleen.

How many spleens does a cat have?

Six: Left lateral, left medial, right medial, right lateral, caudate and quadrate. The quadrate lobe is hard to see. You also don't get a good look at it in those pictures. There's no substitute for a real cat. It is also normal for some cats to only have 5 lobes. cats have 5 lobes: right lateral, caudate, right lateral, left median, left lateral.

What can you do for mono?

To manage symptoms of mono, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and take over-the-counter pain relievers for fever and sore throat. Avoid contact sports to prevent potential spleen injury. It's important to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and to monitor for any complications.

Can you live without your spleen?

Yes, it is possible to live without a spleen. The spleen plays a role in filtering the blood and fighting infections, but other organs can take on some of its functions. However, individuals without a spleen are at a higher risk for certain infections and may need additional vaccinations and precautions to stay healthy.

Related questions

Can you have 2 spleens?

: I actually have 2 spleens. : its causing quite a bit of trouble with me trying to enlist in the air force >< : rawr i hate being 1 in a million

When comparing blood smears of patient with intact spleens and those of patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal what?

Blood smears of patients without spleens are likely to show Howell-Jolly bodies, which are nuclear remnants normally removed by the spleen. Additionally, there may be an increase in target cells and spherocytes due to altered red blood cell morphology. This can be a diagnostic indicator of asplenia.

Do pigeons have a lobed liver?

Yes pigeons have spleens. All vertebrates have spleens except lampreys and hagfishes.

When comparing the blood smears of patients with intact spleens to those of patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal?

An increased number of Howell-Jolly bodies, which are nuclear remnants in red blood cells typically removed by the spleen, as well as hyposegmented neutrophils and target cells. This is because the spleen plays a role in removing abnormal or aging red blood cells from circulation.

When comparing the blood smears of patients with intact spleens to those patients without spleens the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal?

One of the main functions of the spleen is to remove "old" platelets from the blood supply. This should mean that the blood smears from the patients without spleens would show far higher levels of platelets than would be seen in the samples from those with spleens.

Do animals have spleens?

Yes they have one

How uncommon is it to have 3 spleens?

Having 3 spleens, a condition known as polysplenia, is extremely rare. It is a congenital abnormality where a person is born with extra spleens due to developmental issues in the womb. It is estimated to occur in less than 1 in 100,000 people.

Do frogs have spleens?

frog do have a spleen. it is located by the rectum and intestines.

I am Finnish and my mother's maiden name is Pernoja what does it mean?

Spleens (plural of spleen)

Do dogs have a spleen?

Yes, they do. Dogs can also develop problems with their spleens.

What type of meningitis are those with spleen disorders susceptible to?

Patients who have had their spleens removed, or whose spleens are no longer functional (as in the case of patients with sickle cell disease ) are more susceptible to other infections, including meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis.

Blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal what?

Howell-Jolly bodies