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Q: Why do you have a seizure after a brain tumor is removed?
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Can you get seizures even if you don't have a history of seizures?

Yes. If you have a brain tumor you may not know it. A brain tumor can cause a seizure.

Did Neil Diamond ever have brain tumor?

in the 70's it was a tumor on his back had it removed

Can a brain tumor go away on its own?

No, Usually they have to be removed by surgery. but get medical attention right away if you have a brain tumor. They are very serious, and can kill you!!

Does the great khali have acromegaly?

yeah he had brain surgery to have a tumor removed

Did Florence Griffith-Joyner die of a brain tumor?

No. An autopsy showed that she passed away due to asphyxia caused by a seizure. During the autopsy the coroner found she had a brain abnormality that made her subject to having seizures, but no tumor was found.

Can you still have headaches after the tumor has been removed?

Yes you can because the scar tissue is healing from your brain surgery

Is a meningioma brain tumor bad?

Any brain tumor is bad, however, it is one of the better ones to have. Meningiomas are slow growing tumors of the outside lining of the brain. They usually can be removed and completely cured. Occasionally they are in a location that cannot be completely removed which would be a problem.

What if you have a tumor in the center of the brain what can be done?

The brain tumor I had was in the center of my brain. It was located just under the optic chiasm. It was a schwannoma brain tumor which only grows on nerves. It was growing off of my optic nerve. The craniotomy removed it, unfortunately there was nerve damage. I cannot open my left eye, which in a way is good, because my eye points all the way to the outer corner. Thank God the tumor was not cancerous.

How much does it cost to get a brain tumor removed?

Around $70,000 to $115,000 depending on your insurance and around $200,000 without insurance

When was Brain Tumor Society created?

Brain Tumor Society was created in 1989.

When was Brain Tumor Foundation created?

Brain Tumor Foundation was created in 1998.

Should a doctor be able to give information on brain tumor symptoms?

Yes if brain tumor or cancers are their specialty then as a doctor they should have a decent if not vast amount of information on brain tumor symptoms and how to cure the brain tumor.