

Why do you have cracks in your tongue?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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16y ago

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A tongue that is constantly peeling for almost no reason at all is called a geographical tongue.

Geographic tongue is a harmless (benign) oral condition that gives your tongue a map-like, or geographic, appearance. The distinct look of geographic tongue occurs when parts of your tongue are missing the layer of small bumps called papillae. This causes irregularly shaped smooth, red patches to form on parts of your tongue, like a rash.

Although geographic tongue may look alarming, it doesn't cause any health problems and isn't associated with infection or cancer. Geographic tongue is usually painless but can sometimes cause tongue discomfort and increased sensitivity to certain substances. Geographic tongue often heals in one area and then moves (migrates) to a different part of your tongue. Geographic tongue is also known as benign migratory glossitis.

If you have further issues that are of concern please contact your doctor as soon as possible.

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16y ago

Excess heat or yin deficiency Heart imbalance, especially if there is a crack down the middle of the tongue to the tip * sides of the tongue - liver * tip of the tongue - heart * center of the tongue - spleen * back of the tongue - kidney The tongue is supposed to be smooth and right colour if not there is something wrong or an inbalance in your body

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some people have cracks on their tongue because they were born with a disease or infection in their mouth when they were born.( And if you ask how I know......... my step- father has that on this tongue and I ask him and that's what he tells me.!)

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Umm.... probably!

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Administer the proper hygiene by brushing your tongue regularly. Be sure to stay hydrated. Fissures and cracks in your tongue are often caused by a Vitamin B12 deficiency so increase your intake or try supplements. Remember, it's best to get the advice of an actual doctor.

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Yes they r because sometime when you're sleeping the ring taps the teeth to where you get cracks on them. And by the way, you need to treat your tongue or it will swole up like a balloon.

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Cracks in Concretes are as: Shear cracks, temperature cracks & surface cracks which those are formed depends on climates .

Why would you have bleeding cracks on your tongue?

You could be very dehydrated or have a special disease. I would suggest drinking a lot of water unless it hurts.

Is salt water good for a tongue piercing?

for tongue piercings YES. but i don't recommend it for swellings or cracks, bcause it will hurt a lot and i doesn't do anything. saltwater is just for new piercings to heal and prevent from infections.

Does Pluto have cracks on it?

No Pluto doesnt have cracks on it.

What are the types of cracks in concrete?

movement cracks

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What does the crack in the middle of your tongue mean?

it usually doesn't mean anything is the opposite side from your bottom and that has a crack so I guess they both have something to do with it?It's something that helps you to shape out your words and sounds and helps you eat so apperently there is no actual meaning to it... - Anonymous