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How can you safely prescribe drugs, understand blood tests or sterilization procedures without a working knowledge of chemistry? There is a lot of chemistry in Biology classes too, especially at the cellular level.

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Q: Why do you have to take Chemistry in order to become a Pediatrician?
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Is a knowledge of chemistry required to become a pediatrician?

Yes; in order to get into medical school, you must take two semesters of inorganic chemistry and two semesters of organic chemistry in college (in addition to other premed requirements). In medical school, you take classes that also require a knowledge of chemistry such as biochemistry. Hope this helps! Dr. B

What high school and university courses must you take to become a pediatrician?

What courses do you take in universities to become a pediatrician?

Why do you have to take Biology in order to become a Pediatrician?

Because biology is the study of how life works, in this case how the human body works.

Do you have to take the SATACT to become a pediatrician?

probably but you have to go to college to be a pediatricianprobably but you have to go to college to be a pediatrician

What training or education do you need to become a pediatrician?

you have take biology, chemistry, English, and psycholgy and college preparatory classes in high school. You also have to earn a four year doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy along with at least three years of residency training to become a very good and successful pediatrician.

What talents do you need to become a pediatrician?

you have to take care of kids

In the Navy how many years does it take to become a pediatrician?

One does not become a pediatrician in the Navy. You obtain your medical degree and training before joining the US Navy.

What classes should you take if you want to become a pediatrician?

Medical school.

How long does it take to become a pediatrician and a OBGYN together?

12+ years.

What specific high school classes does a pediatrician needs?

There is nothing specific to being a pediatrician that you need to take in high school, but you do need to do well in all of your life science classes and chemistry.

What does it take to become an pediatrician?

In order to become a pediatrician you have to graduate from college, then graduate from medical school, and then complete a pediatrics residency program. College takes 4 years, medical school takes 4 years, and a pediatrics residency usually takes 3-4 years. So you can become a pediatrician about 11-12 years after you graduate high school if you go straight through.

What do i have to do as a college student to become a pediatrician?

To become a pediatrician, you will need to take all of the pre-med courses in college. These include human anatomy and physiology, psychology, sociology, and biology.