

Why do you have tusnamis?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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by a high volme of water

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Q: Why do you have tusnamis?
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How can tsunamis be reduced?

It is impossible to reduce the number of tusnamis

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How do tusnamis occur?

the two tectonic plates shift together.! GATORS STINK

What kind of cloud occur in a tsunami?

No type of cloud is associated with tusnamis, as a tsunami is not a weather-related phenonomenon. A tsunami can occur during absolutely any type of weather.

How often do tusnamis happen?

a huge crack in the oceans floor board that happen from mostly earthquakes but it can also hapen by landslides, volcano's, and metorites. It sends a wall of water upward and it heads to the land. and it hapens unaware so nobody really knows when it hapens. But tusnamis are really rare but still check your ocean history about where you living or staying at near the ocean and if there is nothing there is nothing to worry about.

Why do tusnamis ocur in the pacific ocean and not the Atlantic ocean?

Tsunamis can occur in any large body of water. The main reason they are more common in the Pacific is because of the large amount of tectonic activity. Tsunamis are usually caused by either an underwater earthquake, or a near water volcanic eruption. Due to the amount of volcanos in the Pacific Ocean region and the tectonic activity (which causes earthquakes) there are many more tsunamis in the Pacific than in the Atlantic.

What natural disasters occur in Tokyo?

Since Tokyo is located in Japan and Japan is located along the Circum-Pacific belt, or Pacific Ring of Fire, earthquakes usually occur there. And since Japan is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, there are many volcanoes in Japan. A volcano near Japan is Mount Fuji. Previous eruptions have caused much damage. However, Mount Fuji is currently not very active. It is predicted that if Mount Fuji erupts, Japan will sink, including Tokyo. During the heavy rain season, typhoons will strike Japan, including Tokyo. Typhoons are equally destructive as tornadoes and hurricanes, and will in turn cause floods and landslides. Since Tokyo is located inland, tsunamis might not be able to reach it, although Japan experiences tusnamis. However, a megatsunami would change the whole story.

What are the warnings of tsunamis?

Warnings for a tsunami might be feeling the Earth shake, seeing the ocean water disappear from the beach, bay or river, or hearing an unusual roaring sign. A warning for this tsunami might be issued by public officials, and if a warning for your area is announced, you should run to higher ground immediately.