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That is the normal discharge that occurs from tongue piercing, just like ear piercing discharges after they have been pierced and are healing the tongue does the same sort of thing. That will disappear is a couple of days, just be sure you are rinsing and keeping cold stuff on the piercing as often as possible.

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Q: Why do you have whiteyellow stuff on your tongue 5 days after your piercing?
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How much does a tongue piercing actually hurt?

it doesn't really hurt unless you bite your tongue. Its more swollen than painful. Other that that just eat ice stuff and you'll be fine in a few days, i was

How painful is a tongue piercing?

The initial piercing is not painful. The only thing felt is the pressure of needle. The clamp on the tongue hurts more than the actual piercing. The healing after is the painful part. The tongue will swell, and the muscle will be sore. As the tongue adjust to the metal and heals itself from the initial tear and swelling, the pain will subside, generally over a few days following the piercing. By experience, a piercing in the upper cartilage hurts more than a piercing in the tongue.

The hole underneath your tongue piercing has turned white is this infected or just healing?

This is normal and just part of the healing phase for your tongue piercing, this will go away in a few days.

Is 4 days ok to kiss after tongue piercing?

yes its fine, just don't use tongue intill fully healed

How long does it take a tongue piercing for your swelling to go done so you can eat?

About 3 days max.

When can you talk normal after a tongue piercing?

It's recommended to wait at least 2-4 weeks before speaking normally after getting a tongue piercing. This allows time for the initial swelling and soreness to subside, reducing the risk of further irritation or complications. Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene and following aftercare instructions will promote healing and minimize discomfort.

In tongue piercing more painful than industrial piercing?

No actually there are no pain receptors in the center of the tongue, they are all along the outside edge of the tongue to remind you not to bite your tongue. We are just piercing the center connective tissue between the two muscle complexes that make up the tongue so it quick simple and for the most part painless. The discomfort comes the 2nd and 3rd days post piercing when the swelling can be a bit painful and annoying. If you follow the instructions provided to you by your professional body piercer you should do just fine.

Why is the area in front of your tongue piercing hard 3 days later?

That is a discussion you should be having with your professional body piercer.

Is it safe to remove a new tongue piercing?

Yes. But you should keep cleaning it like if you still have it on until it heals. with or without piercing. i just took my nipple piercing out cos it was bleeding i had it done 4 days ago.

Is it normal for you to have a white circle on your tongue around the bottom bar of your tongue piercing. Please note I have had my tongue piercing for three weeks and two days now?

it depends where you go if you do it yourself its 5 dollars for hollow needle mine at Clair's were 20 for belly button 115 for ears (including jewelry)

Why is there a dent in your tongue after you get a tongue ring?

Yes, this is due to the localized swelling from the piercing process. Follow the aftercare guide you were provided with by your piercer and the swelling should go down in a few days.

What not to eat after piercing tongue?

Some of does stuff aren't true . I have a piercing and I'm in my 5th day and i started eating yesterday I ate Bread and cheese yogurt and much more not solid stuff because I think that would hurt my piercing . Mine isn't infected Mouth wash every time you finish eating drink lots of water when I eat it hurts a little bit because I move my piercing a lot water heals it . And I don't know if you can eat Sour stuff or Spicy stuff.