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Q: Why do you infer was the reason the narrator went back for doodle?
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Why does the narrator feel burdened by Doodle?

The narrator, Doodle's brother, feels burdened by him because he is embarrassed by Doodle's physical limitations and feels that Doodle is holding him back. He wants Doodle to be more like other children and resents having to take care of him.

Why does the narrator pull doodle in a cart in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

The narrator pulls Doodle in a cart to help him learn how to walk because Doodle has trouble walking due to his physical limitations. The narrator wants to teach Doodle how to walk before the first day of school to avoid embarrassment.

Why does the narrator of The Scarlet Ibis teach doodle how to walk why does he cry when his family congratulate him for his effort?

The narrator teaches Doodle to walk because he is motivated by his own pride and desire to have a "normal" brother. He cries when his family congratulates him because he realizes that his intentions were selfish and driven by his own vanity rather than a genuine desire to help Doodle. His tears represent his guilt for pushing Doodle beyond his limits and not appreciating his brother for who he is.

How was doodle found when he was died from The Scarlet Ibis?

in the Scarlet Ibis, Doodle's brother is mad at him and as the thunderstorm starts to come in his brother runs fast knowing his brother is incapable of keeping up. Doodle yells after him " Don't leave me brother, don't leave me." He picks up his pace and the Storm came harder, his brother ran back to get Doodle but it was too late. His brother noticed he was bleeding in the mouth. he became too cold and the doctor told the family he can not be too cold or warm.

What is the best come back to you have a little doodle?

It might be small but at least i have one.

What state is Yankee doodle?

Yankee Doodle is a Anglo-American song which goes back to the 1700's, 1770 to be exact; thats the year it was first published. However the state Yankee Doodle originated from Connecticut, it is in fact their state anthem.

The pit and the pendulum What has the narrator dream and what does he realize at this moment?

In "The Pit and the Pendulum," the narrator dreams of being sentenced to death and tortured by the Spanish Inquisition. He realizes the severity of his situation when he wakes up in darkness and feels the pendulum swinging back and forth above him, threatening to cut him in half.

When you send in a doodle 4 Google do you get anything back?

If you win a doodle you will get money. If you didnt win then you don't get money. o if you lost you don't get anything. If you don't know what doodle means in my sentence it means a drawing for your information. Good luck winning!

Is kaka coming back?

yes he plays for real madrid right now i infer he is gonna get injured again

How did doodle die in the story the secret ibis?

Doodle dies when he is left alone in a storm after running away from his brother, who had abandoned him. Doodle's weakened condition and inability to seek shelter ultimately lead to his death. This event serves as a tragic conclusion to the story and is a result of the brother's pride and inability to accept Doodle's limitations.

What are the circumstances leading to Doodle's death?

The bird dying in the back yard and the bird dying on the bleeding tree.

Who is the narrator in the second part of To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the second part of "To Kill a Mockingbird," the narrator is still Scout Finch, who is reflecting back on her childhood experiences.