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Most human characteristics who differentiate humans from monkeys are equal between humans and pigs.

The list is large, including skin tissues, lack of muscle around the skull, similar protein compatibility (which makes possible organ transplants from pig to humans, but not from chimps as donors), similar brain refrigeration, similar internal organs (notably the hearth and kidney), many bones features, vocal chords, cartilaginous nose, and numerous other anatomic features.

There is a scientific theory that proposes that human genome contains some pig genes, although most of our genes are with the chimpanzee.

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Q: Why do you make pig sounds when you laugh?
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The names of animal sounds are not universal, but vary from language to language. In English, pig sounds are typically written as "oink oink," but in Spanish, pig sounds are often written as "oinc oinc. "

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The way to make a girl laugh, is the same way you make your friends laugh. To be honest with them, and being yourself. Although this sounds clique, still holds much truth. The things that make you laugh, would most likely make her laugh also hope this helps.

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To make sounds and facial movements of lively amusement

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pig skin but i dont know about the laces jking haha you make me laugh

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whats your opinion? i think he is hungry or upset :(

What does squeal mean?

It means to make a noise that a Guinea pig makes. Or even more, the noise that a pig pig makes.

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whistling in a high pitch voice. they also make quiet bubbling sounds

Do penguins laugh?

yes, penguins DO laugh. it sounds like a EEEEee eeeeeeck and it is totally funny chummalug!

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almost squeaking or chirping, could sound like a bird