

Why do people like fried food?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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The first answer said "--: There are a number of reasons why food is cooked.

The first is that it is important to remove bacteria from the food. Heat is necessary to kill the germs that live in food, particularly in uncooked meat. Fruit and vegetables can sometimes be eaten raw because they do not contain the same bacteria as meat does.

Secondly, cooking food usually makes it taste better. In the case of meat, cooking helps spread juices through the food, making it more succulent. Cooking something in a sauce uses heat to permeate the sauce all through it, giving it a stronger flavour. Even where it is not necessary to cook food to kill germs on it, cooking it will give it a unique flavour and texture.

And also if you dont cook meat... if it is raw and you just eat it... you can get very sick! "

However I would like to add :- cooked food releases more nutritional benefits and makes vitamins and minerals and micro nutrients more available for the body . Some vegetables that really benefit from being cooked are carrots,broccoli and spinach.Instead of the raw food yielding about 3 to 4 % of fantastic and essential caratenoids cooking it enables the body to absorb about 5 times as much . If you cook tomatoes you create lycopenes that fend off free radicals and cancer causing agents.

Some foods simply can't or should not be eaten raw such as rice and almost all legumes and unless you want to risk a nasty dose of salmonella uncooked eggs should be avoided. The first answerer is incorrect in stating that raw vegetables do not contain the same bacteria as meat ! They can and do and the first that springs to mind is e-coli and that can kill you whether you catch it from an improperly cooked burger to water-cress or cantaloupe

It is true that thorough cooking can remove dangerous organisms present in uncooked food however this is NOT the end of the story because unless consumed in the appropriate time frame or unless the food is stored safely e.g cooked meat in the fridge you can still become ill from cooked food and of course cooked food can be contaminated AFTER cooking.

Some foods stuffs are transformed by cooking .Think of cakes and biscuits which certainly require cooking.( although eating the batter might be fun ! )

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Many foods just tast a lot better if you fry them. Just think what French frys would be like if you didn't fry them.

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and is addictive!

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to make its nice

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