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Ensuring that sketches are in proportion helps to accurately represent the subject's features and overall appearance. Proportional sketches help create a realistic and cohesive representation that is easier for others to understand and interpret. Inaccurate proportions can lead to distortions in the final artwork and detract from its visual appeal.

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Q: Why do you need to ensure that sketches are in proportion?
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Why do you need to ensure that sketches are proportion and are legible to others?

Owain latham

Why do you need to ensure that sketches are in proportion and are eligible to others?

Well I believe that you hsouyld answer you own college questions and stop being lazy.

Why do you need to ensure that sketches are in legible to others?

Standard drawing conventions are used to update professionals on the correct features, abbreviation, symbols, and dimensions used. Any changes or updates from American National Standards Institute on drawing will be reviewed at standard drawing conventions.

Why do you need to ensure that sketches are of a suitable size and use appropriate convention?

so everyone can understand how to do the job producing the same result each time

How does the concept of proportion relate to creating a realistic sketch?

In realistic sketches, the items in the sketch need to look like they do in real life. For this reason, proportion is important, both for individual items and items as they relate to other items on the sketch. For example, you would not want a very large glass with a tiny person holding it, or a person whose arms touched the floor.

Why do you need to ensure that sketches are of a suitable size and use appropriate scales?

So that they are at a large enough scale to see everything in enough detail to get the idea it portrays across, but also not so large that it is cumbersome or needlessly large.

Why there is a need to have proportion at all time?

There is no need to have it at all time.

What is the plural of the sketch?

The plural of sketch is sketches.

Why draw when you are doing a textiles course?

becasue you need to draw sketches of the product that you are going to create.

What do the math word proportion?

I dont know. I need help.

Can you get a sentence with sketches?

Sketches can be used as a noun or a verb. Noun: A rough design, plan, or draft. Verb:To make a sketch of; To make sketches Ex: The sketches of food were beautiful.

Who did the sketches of Sonic the Hedgehog?

Naoto Oshima did the original sketches.