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they are taken care of in a nursery within the hive/ colony.

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Q: Why do you never see baby bees or ants?
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What is a baby ant?

a baby ant is called a antling

Why do ants have antennae?

they use their antennae to hear, smell, see, and feel.

Can cats see ants?

Yes. Cats can see ants.

How come you never see a baby bee?

Insects go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, adult. You see the larval and pupal stage of butterflies (caterpillar and chrysalis) because their life cycle is entirely in the open, but with bees and wasps the pupal and larval stages take place inside the hive (or nest, for bumble bees and wasps) and are never seen outside. Only the adults leave the hive.

Do ants see with their antennas?

No, ants have eyes

Are black ants blind?

Ants are born blind. The first ant in the world got hit by something then that effected all the ants eyes. Ants never know where they are going.

Howbettter can bees see than humans?

Bees can see higher frequencies of electromagnetic waves than humans can. Bees see flowers in different colors then we do. Bees see color about triple the speed as humans do.

True or False Unborn Children can see outside the womb beginning about the middle of the pregnancy?

A baby can never see outside of the womb. The baby can see brightness and hear noises. The baby will see the outside when he is born.

Can insects see ultraviolet light?

all birds see ultraviolet but some have it less developed. hope i helped XD

What type of behavior consist of complex interactions within groups and is seen in humans as well as ants and bees?

Altruistic behavior, where individuals make sacrifices for the benefit of the group, is prevalent in humans, ants, and bees. This behavior involves complex interactions within groups that enhance the overall success and survival of the species.

What bugs can kill you?

top 10 are anopheles Mosquito, fleas, bees, Tsetse Fly, fire ants, locust, wasp, African ants, Asian hornet aka giant Japanese, kissing bugs. if you see any good idea would be to... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE no kidding these bugs can kill you!

Name something that might live in your house that you may never see?

spider rats mice germs termites cockroaches ants