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Because your body strives to keep the blood at a precise degree of dilution. More water dilutes it. This signals the kidneys to filter out more water.

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Q: Why do you pass more urine when you drink more water?
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Does water drinking leads to pass urine frequently?

Yes. The more you drink the more you urinate. This may be a hassle going to the toilet frequently but drinking plenty of water is good for you.

How do you pass a urine test for adderall in 7 days?

drink loads of water and flush it out

How much urine will you pass out from one liter of water you take?

There is no exact amount just drink as much as you can - continuously.

Can i pass urine drug test w ready clean detox drink in 5 hours?

drink 1 gal of water in 15 mins

How can you pass a urine test after taking 2 hits of a joint?

drink lots of water n u should be good

Does a marijuana home urine test fail if you put anything else than urine on it cause I was thinking if i just put a drop of water on it instead of my urine?

Yes .. To pass a test just drink 2 gallons of water a day for 4 days . You should pass your drug test .

Can heroin be flushed from urine?

No heroin can not be flushed from one urine, it goes to the brain.

How long does alcohol stay in your system to be able to pass a blood or urine test?

about 48 hours. just drink plenty of water

Can you pass a urine test if you smoke a cocain rock on Wednesday n you have to test on Tuesday?

yes just drink lots of water only pot stays more than 72 hours

Why urinary often during cold days than during summer?

In the cold days we pass more urine , compared to the hot days as in the cold days our body has more water in the body and we have to pass urine more often. But in the summer more water is lost due to sweating.

Could you pass a urine test for alcohol in 10hours if you had 5 drinks?

Attempt to dilute the alcohol as much as possible. Basically, drink as much water as you can, this way you will urinate more meaning that there will be less and less in your urine every time you urinate. Hope this helps!

Can you pass a urine test after smoking weed two weeks earlier?

yes. drink ALOT of water and cranberry juice. drink some pickle juice, stay away from soda.