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Symbols are used in poetry to add deeper layers of meaning and convey complex ideas in a more metaphorical or abstract way. By using symbols, poets can evoke emotions, create connections between ideas, and encourage readers to interpret the work on a deeper level. Symbols can also help create images that resonate with the reader and enhance the overall impact and depth of the poem.

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Q: Why do you put symbols in poetry?
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A "foot" is a group of symbols marked off as a metrical unit, in poetry.

What are examples of symbols in poetry?

Examples of symbols in poetry include a rose representing love, a dove symbolizing peace, or a snake symbolizing deceit. Symbols add layers of meaning to a poem and help convey emotions and themes in a more imaginative way.

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write the code in your name and then put in your symbols then it should say that is incorrect so then write your name and symbols in they it shall work

When do you need punctuation in poetry?

You use punctuation in poetry when you end like a line or phrase, you either put a comma or a full stop. You put a capital letter at the start of a line only if there is a full stop. Professional Poetry Writer, Angel Singh

Do you put an apostrophe after symbols?

Only if the plural is possessive.

What is the difference between poetry and fiction?

Poetry could be a short story of mixed emotions. Fiction is a type of story that is always fake, imagined, or made-up while poetry could be realistic.

Can you take me to a poetry website?

Why not try the Google search engine. Put in the word: poetry and if that doesn't work, add the word: website.

Is poetry an acceptable gift to give your Girlfriend?

Poetry is an acceptable gift to give your girlfriend. You can give her a poetry book or you can write a poem just for her and put it in a nice frame for her to hang up.