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Q: Why do you remember the who fought in the war?
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Why is their a 2 miniute silence?

to remember soldiers that have fought and died in war for us.

Why is important to remember those who fought in wars?

The reason why it is impotant to remember soldiers who fought during war is because they sacrificed their own lives for us. They gave our country freedom. They beleived in our country and in themselves.That is why it is important to remember soldioers who fought during war.

When do you celebrate remembrance day?

to remember those who fought in the 1st and 2nd world war

Why do you have remberance day?

We shall all respect remembrance day and think about what life would have been if those soldiers never fought. They had fought for freedom if they had not fought in the battle you would not go to soccer games the world would just not be like the way it is right now, so you shoud be very happy.

What does revolution in warfare have to do with American History?

the answer is that revolution in warfare is to remember the people who fought in the war for american history

Why do you have rememrence day?

It is to show respect to the people who fought and died in world war one and to remember their bravery

Did Europe battle with the US?

with for sure england and germany! remember england is who we even fought with in the american revolutionary war and germany in world war 1 and 2.

Where was the Hundred Years' War fought?

the majority of the war was fought in France

How many german soldiers fought during World War 1?

210 million German soldiers fought in WW1..... or was it 210? i cant remember :D

What date was spanish am war fought fought?

it was fought fought in 1898

What was the worst war the us fought?

the worst war the USA. fought was the Civil War.

Why would you want to go to the World War 2 memorial?

People go to the World War II memorial to remember US military who fought in that war. Some go to because it is part of our history.