

Why do you say that the joule is a derived unit of work?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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In the Internation System of Units there are only seven base units of measurement and the joule is not one of them. It isn't needed as a unit because it can be derived from the base units. The joule is really just a 'convenience' because it's much easier to say or write than its definition which is kg.m2.sec-2. For more about this you might be interested in reading the wikipedia page about the Internation System of Units.

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Q: Why do you say that the joule is a derived unit of work?
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It is only an imagination. No person such as Atlas who is holding the earth on his shoulder. Any way if we accept the same then as he lifts the earth against the gravitational attractive force say F through a distance which equals to his height of his shoulder right from his foot, say H, then work done will be F*H joule.

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Power is defined as energy per unit time. You can also say 'rate of doing work'.

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mass per unit of volume is infact NOT density, it is DERIVED!!

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