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If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other? If there is someone who sees their identical twin they scream at each other?

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Q: Why do you scream at each other?
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Why did jeffrey scream at aunt dot and uncle dan during the musicale at school?

They hated each other

How was Bill Clinton's home life?

he and his wife hated and still do hate each other. They scream and yell at each other. he had and has several affairs. He is a gross, stupid, immature man.

Why do people scream at each other?

Because I felt like expressing my anger at you! I feel it is a way to calm me, by using other people to scream at, many people do it. Also when you annoy someone or do something you weren't meant to the person feels angry that you have done this, so by showing you they express it via voice! People scream at each other because they have so much anger that the scream to let it out! It's kinda scary because the might start to push, shove, or kick. So, stay out of their way! Yikes!

What does scream say in each of the movies?

Here are some examples: Scream-I'm gonna gut you like a fish. Scream 2-You wish it was tim Scream 3-how can you say that. that makes me...ANGRY!!!!!

Is scream 4 funny?

To some people, Scream 4 is a comedy but if you have seen the other Scream movies, it is just as or more intense.

Is the ghostface suit in use by a killer in other movies than scream?

No, not really. It was mostly taken over in Scream (1996), Scream 2 (1997) and Scream 3 (2000)

Why did Jeffrey scream at aunt dot and uncle Dan during the musical at school?

Because Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan hate each other.

Is mispelled word an oxymoron?

No. An oxymoron are two words together that contradict each other.For example, silent scream."Misspelled" and "word" don't contradict each other, even if it was spelled "mispelled". It's merely ironic.

Is scream a boy or a girl?

"Scream" is a character from the horror movie franchise "Scream," and the identity of the person behind the mask changes throughout the series. The character's gender changes based on who is wearing the costume in each film.

How do king penguins protect themswelves from other predators?

They scream

What other words can be used for scared?

frightened,scream and shout

Is there different killers in each scream movie?

Different people behind the mask, yes.