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Q: Why do you see kingfishers just before it rains?
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We see sometimes see rainbows after it rains

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Worms can not see, they just feel for moisture in the ground and navigate themselves to areas with high moisture. (This is why there are worms on the ground when it rains.)

Does a rainbow form only after it rains?

no if it is really humid in the air it can sometimes i look at cloudds and see them also if you take a hose and aim it just right you can see a rainbow

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water and clouds

When it rains can you see the stars?

Depends if it's night or not.

How do we see rainbows?

It reflects the sun so when it rains u see it when the sun comes out

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hopefully it rains forever ;)

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Just before dawn and just before nightfall are the best times to see animlas in the wild.

When it's rains you'll see these in the sky?

raindrops or clouds p.s. after you might see a rainbow

Why do rainbows appear after it rains?

Because in order for you to see a rainbow, there must be water droplets in the air.Not vapor, but liquid water. That happens most commonly after it rains.

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No, after an NDE you just see life as it was before.

When is the best time to see a turkey?

Wild turkeys are seen most of the time in very early morning just after dawn and just before sunset.They have very keen sight and hearing and it is very hard to see them before they see you.