

Why do you see white object?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Light is made up of all the colours in the spectrum (rainbow). We see white objects because the white is reflected off the object and into our eyes.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Why do you see white object?
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How do you see colours in white light?

White light contains the many colors you see. The illuminated object will absorb and reflect the light as its' materials see fit. A black object will absorb all colors. A white object reflects all colors. Everything else lies in between there somewhere.

Why is light not reflected off a white wall?

It is. But the fact that it is white tells us that that is the only color that is reflected off of the wall. Whatever you see an object's color is is what color that object reflects. Every other color you do not see present the object absorbs. So, a white wall will absorb every color but white, and reflect white.

Why does the color white occur?

There are two ways that the color white occurs, as light and as the color of an object. When you see white light it is a combination of many colors of light, because white light is a combination of all light. When you see a white object, that object is reflecting all of the colors of light back at you, because that surface doesn't absorb any of the colors of light.

How do you see black and white?

BlackAll of the colours that make the white light shine down on the black object and all of the colours that make the white light the light absorbs into the object and no light reflects.WhiteAll of the colours that make the white light shine down on the white object and the light and no light is absorbed into the object but all of the colours that make the white light are reflected into your eyes

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What has to happen to light for you to see objects?

You can see an object because white light reflects off the object. If you are looking at an orange in blue light, for example, you would see black because the orange is absorbing the blue light. So, for you to see an object, light of the same color has reflect off of it. White light is composed of all the colors of light.

If a white object is in white light what reflects and what absorbs?

A white object will reflect the white light. (that's why we perceive the object to be white).

What happens when light falls on a white objects?

We see colours because of white light (visible light) which is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple light. We see colours when some fo these colours are absorbed into the object and the others are reflected. If an object is white that means all the light reflects off the object

Why can't you see in a white-out?

Because there is so much precipitation that no light reflected from the object that you wish to see reaches you. As a result you can't see it.

When white light strikes a green wall why do you see green?

When white light is made up of many colors. The reason you see green is because the green object reflects green light back to you and and all the other colors are absorbed by the object.

What colors do you see when you look at an opaque object?

Actually, it depends on witch object it is. If the opaque object is brown, then that means the object absorbed most of the colors of the white light and reflects mostly the brown colors.

What happens when white light shines on a violet object?

When white light shines onto a violet object, the violet part of white light reflects off of the object, causing you to see violet. White light it ROYGBIV, which is the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). So white light IS the combination of ALL of these colours.