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Because normally when ships sail they start in a harbour near the sea. The sea is filled with salt witch allows it to float much easier when people swim the swim in a pool or river with no salt in it. I think.

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Q: Why do you sink in the water but ships do not?
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Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on. Ships don't sink because they are more boant then the water they float on.

Why do ships float in water?

Because they don't sink.

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If they take on water.

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Ships float in fresh water too. Only a little deeper, since fresh water is less dense than salt water.

Why ships donot sink into the sea?

if i could draw you a picture, i would. ships have basically large tanks i their hulls filled with air to keep them afloat. imagine putting a sealed tupperware box in your bath tub, the top will remain above water level

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Why do boats float and ships sink?

Provided the boats and the ships displace their weight in water without the water coming inboard, they will float and not sink. A boat made of wood is likely to float even when full of water because wood tends to float. It is all to do with displacement and freeboard.

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Ships that never sink are called?

Ships that never sink are just ships that were lucky, any ship can sink for any number of reasons there is no such thing and a truly unsinkable ship.

Why ship doenot sink in ocean?

Ships don't sink in the ocean because the air pressure pushes the ship upward and keeps it buoyant-------------------------------- Ships don't sink because the overall density of the ship is lower than the density of the salt water and it displaces its weight's equivalent of water using only a portion of the ship's volume.