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At least in America, voters in the age group of 18-24 would either be busy with college, or they could simply not care (as they commonly do).

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Q: Why do you suppose voter turnout is generally lower among 18-to-24-years-olds than among people 25 and older?
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voter turnout ?

Statistics on how many people vote in an election.

What political group usually has a higher voter turnout?

Usually citizens in a age group of 55 to 64 years has the highest voter turnout, as high as 71.3 percent according to the 1980 census findings. Generally older people are willing to vote more often than younger.

What does the term turnout describe the number of people?

Turn out just means the people who actually vote

The percentage of eligible people who vote is called?

voter turnout.

The official turnout for an election is calculated by the divided by the number of people of eligible voting age.?

When calculating voter turnout, you would use the number of actual votes that were cast divided by the number of eligible voters. In most cases, eligible voters only includes people who have registered to vote.

What is a likely reason for small voter turnout?

People are happy with the way things are going.

Why is low voter turnout in the US a serious problem?

Low voter turnout is a serious problem if the low turnout is due to intimidation at the polls or at registration, since it means the election is not fair and may not reflect the will of the people. However, if the low turnout is due to a lack of interest, it may not be so bad. It may be that the people who do not vote are content with letting the people who study the issues and know the candidates make the decisions on who goes into office. There have been times and places where food and liquor was offered at the polls to entice voters, but this practice has been made illegal in the US even though it probably increased vote turnout. High voter turnout , just in itself, may not be so good-- what is really needed is a high turnout of thoughtful, well-informed voters.

What does Having registration deadlines close to Election Day do to the number of people likely to vote?

lowers the voter turnout

What are some turnout faults in ballet?

Turnout faults, are not really faults as such. The human body is not designed to function with 90 degree or over turnout. The faults that arise from turnout, are usually from forcing the legs and feet to rotate further than anatomically possible for that particular body. A very small proportion of people have extremely supple hip sockets that allow for maximum rotation. Unfortunately the few make the 'ideal' turnout what everyone else is aiming for. This brings about many complications in the hip socket, knees, and feet. The most common is 'rolling' from forcing turnout so the feet roll inward. After a time this then effects the knees. Pain in the knees and in the feet can result from this. Hip socket pain is common also as turnout is actually from the hip socket, not the feet or the knees. Ideally, gentle stretching from when one is very young is the best way to develop turnout. This is why many dancers start ballet at a young age.

Who are the worlds largest people?

I suppose that this is the Chinese people.

Why did only half of the 2004 election people vote?

Electikns have about an average of 65% turnout. This kind of thing just happens by chance

Why do we shake hands in your country?

In Western countries two people shake hands as welcoming each other (generally men do this) or to seal a deal and is suppose to represent an honest and trustworthy end to a deal.