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Q: Why do you think 1 L of air has less mass than 1 L of lead?
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Does water have a greater mass than lead?

water has less density than lead. Mass depends on its volume

Will kilogram of hydrogen contain more atoms then kilogram of lead?

Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.Yes, because each hydrogen atom has less mass than each lead atom.

Why does a mole of copper atoms weigh less than a mole of lead atoms?

Because copper has a smaller molar mass, hence it will have less mass per mole than lead.

Is the mass of one pound of lead greater than less than or equal to the mass of one pound of feathers?

The mass of feathers is far greater than the lead. amount = mass So you will have a huge pile of feathers compared to a small chunk of lead to equal a pound

What metal is heavier than lead but lighter than tungesten?

tungsten is more more heavier han the lead as it has great mass in less volume

Which has greater mass 1 L of feathers or 1 L of lead?

One litre of feathers would have far less mass than one litre of lead.

Why a pillow is more or less dense then a lead sinker?

A pillow is less dense than a lead sinker. Density is defined by mass per unit volume. So, if you have the same mass (weight) of a pillow, and a lead sinker, which will take up more space (volume)? The answer is the pillow. Thus, it is LESS dense.

How many elements have a mass less than 195?

well i think its 32

Which has more mass an atom of gold or lead?

the lead atom is heavier, but it also bigger. therefore the density of lead is less than that of gold

Name three objects you think have a mass less than one kilogram?

A pencil, a piece of paper, and a scientific calculator all have a mass less than one kilogram.

Which has more mass 12 g feather of 12 g lead?

Both the feathers and the lead have a mass of 12 g. The trick in the question is that feathers are less dense and have a larger surface area in proportion to their mass, so they would fall a lot slower and be a lot larger than the same mass of lead.

Does a pencil weigh less than a kilogram?

Please note that a kilogram is a unit of mass - NOT a unit of weight. And yes, a pencil has a mass that is considerably less than a kilogram. For comparison, a kilogram is the mass of a liter of water.