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Jesus sweat blood while praying because of the anguish he felt over this impending death. When someone sweats blood, it's called hematidrosis. Extreme stress can cause tiny capillaries in the sweat glands to rupture and this causes sweat and blood to mix. This makes the skin extremely sensitive and so Jesus would have felt even more pain than normal when he was beaten before his crucifixion. See to read more. Hope this helps. Blessings... (Also, the book The Case for Christ does an excellent job at explaining what the crucifixion would have been like for Jesus pp.258-267.)

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14y ago
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13y ago

Because of Jesus' anguish before the Crucifixion he sweat blood. There IS a scientific explanation for this and it is called hematidrosis. Its when tiny blood vessels under the skin rupture due to SEVERE emotional and mental distress. Luke 22:24

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8y ago

There is no need to find a scientific reason for Jesus to have sweated great drops of blood while praying. Even to claim great stress, resulting in the rare condition known as hematidrosis fails as an explanation. Jesus either did not really know whether or when he was to be crucified, although he may have known he was in great danger, or he was divine and already knew that he was to be crucified, in which case he would have calmly accepted it as part of his mission on earth.

However there seems to be a literary explanation for this passage. This passage only appears in Luke's Gospel, and is never mentioned by the other evangelists. Even conservative theologians, who continue to attribute this Gospel to Luke, the companion of Paul, would acknowledge that Luke was not an eyewitness and probably not even acquainted with any first-hand eyewitnesses. Those who recognise that the author of Luke's Gospel used Mark's Gospel as his sole source of information about the life and mission of Jesus, would certainly question the ability of just this one evangelist to know this particular detail. Moreover, the Gospel says that Jesus sweated blood while all the disciples, his only possible witnesses, were asleep.

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