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Pygmalion resonates across cultures due to its themes of transformation, love, and creation. The story's focus on the power of belief and the potential for change makes it relevant and appealing to a wide audience. Additionally, its exploration of human nature and relationships provides universal insights that can be applied across different cultural contexts.

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Q: Why do you think Pygmalion permeates world cultures?
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What concepts or beliefs are frowned upon across all world cultures?

It is difficult to pinpoint concepts or beliefs that are universally frowned upon across all world cultures, as beliefs and values vary greatly among different societies. However, acts of violence, harm, or cruelty are generally condemned by all cultures. Discrimination based on race, gender, or religion is also widely regarded negatively in most societies.

What is the meaning of the word cosmopolitan?

Cosmopolitan refers to being familiar with and at ease in many different countries and cultures. It can also describe a place or environment that is diverse and inclusive of various cultures and nationalities.

Does was rizal circumcised?

Yes, Jose Rizal was circumcised when he was young, as was the custom in the Philippines during that time. It is a common practice in many cultures and religions around the world.

Is Philippines superior or inferior to other cultures?

No! Philippine culture is not inferior in any way to other cultures. Everyone places a premium on his/her culture. The way American, Nigerian, British or German culture is important to their people, is the same way Philippines culture is important to its people. Everyone respects the culture of the other person. No attempt should be made to look down on the cultures of other people. Arguments about cultural superiority can bring about avoidable conflicts. When we respect the culture of other people the same way we respect ours, the world becomes a better place to live in.

What is the multiculture?

Multiculture refers to a society that is characterized by the presence of multiple different cultures living together. This can involve the coexistence of people from diverse backgrounds, traditions, languages, and beliefs within a single community or country. Multiculture often promotes respect, understanding, and appreciation for different cultures.

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Why do you think the pygmalion myth permeates world cultures?

The Pygmalion myth endures in world cultures because it explores universal themes such as love, creation, and the power of art to bring objects to life. Its central idea of an artist falling in love with his creation resonates across cultures, reflecting the human desire for perfection and the transformative power of art. Additionally, the myth has been adapted and reinterpreted in various forms, ensuring its continued relevance and appeal to different audiences.

What is Pygmalion's statue?

A statue made of ivory, and was the most beautiful "woman" in the world, according to Pygmalion.

Which cultures have had the greatest influence on the world?

I think Romans, they invented latin which has influenced language all over the world

When was World Cultures created?

World Cultures was created in 1985.

How many cultures are there in the world?

Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know

When was Modern Paganism in World Cultures created?

Modern Paganism in World Cultures was created in 2005.

How many pages does Modern Paganism in World Cultures have?

Modern Paganism in World Cultures has 382 pages.

How many ancient cultures are there?

The truth is that there could be thousands of ancient cultures from around the world, think about how many people there are on this world today, think of time and the cultures around the world as a gram cracker if you go back in time for each hundred of years or so you break that cracker in half and keep on doing that for as long as it takes until eventually you're left with some big clumps of cracker, and even more tiny crumbs of the cracker. The crumbs represent cultures that might have existed thousands of years ago but were lost in time, or possibly taken over by some over culture, but the bigger crumbs represent the cultures we do know of and might still exist. If you want a true answer then you should rephrase your question as how many known ancient cultures there are? then I think the answer would be around 50 or very likely more than.

How does the moral of Hercules help cultures understand the world?

Hercules helps everyone to think they can accomplish things with hard work and that everything has a reward.

What is the Definition for etiological legend?

A story that specific cultures use to explain their origins and the origins of the world. Think along the lines of creation myth.

The increase in connections between cultures around the world is called?

The connection between cultures around the world is called: GLOBALIZATION

Who is the parents of pygmalion in the story of pygmalion and galatea?

Pygmalion was a talented sculptor who lived in southern Cyprus. He couldn't find the ideal woman in real world so he created her out of a block of snow-white marble. He talked to her as she was a real woman and he asked for Venus to make her alive. One day, when he lost all his hopes, he found the sculpture alive. Galatea is the name of that sculpture who became a real woman afterwards.