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Sandra Cisneros named her collection "The House on Mango Street" to symbolize the idea of home as a place of both joy and limitation. The house represents the confinement and struggles experienced by the characters, while the street symbolizes the sense of community and interconnectedness they feel. The title captures the tension between the desire for roots and stability, and the longing for freedom and self-expression.

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"The house on Mango Street isn't good. You don't want to know the rest." - Sandra Cisneros, "The House on Mango Street"

Who is the author of the book The House on Mango Street?

Sandra Cisneros, a Mexican-American writer from Chicago, wrote "The House on Mango Street."

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Sandra Cisneros wrote "The House on Mango Street" in the late 1980s, with the book first being published in 1984.

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Believe it is The House on Mango Street

What Mexican-American who was born in Chicago wrote The House on Mango Street?

Sandra Cisneros.

Who wrote House on Mango Street?

Sandra Cisneros was the author of the book, 'The House on Mango Street'. It was published in 1984 and is about a young girl who is just coming of age in a bad neighborhood she is ready to get out of.

Who is Darius in the house on mango street?

Darius is a character in the book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros. He is a young boy who is part of Esperanza's neighborhood community in Mango Street. Darius is known for his love of playing in the junkyard and for his carefree and mischievous personality.

What type of book is The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.. comedy or tragedy and give reasons for your answer?


Who sits by the window in house on mango streets?

In "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, the protagonist Esperanza sits by the window of her house, dreaming and observing the world outside. Sitting by the window symbolizes her longing for freedom and a different life beyond Mango Street.

What age level is The House on Mango Street?

"The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros is typically recommended for readers in middle school or high school, generally between the ages of 12-18 years old.