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Q: Why do you think is the most important reason why there are so many sole proprietorships in the US?
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its easy there are many reason y they are important here are some of the reasones: they are renewable ,they help the world

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The answer is different to many. Some think friends are more important, others think money is more important. It all depends on you!

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The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them - and many other quotations

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Well, think about it. If you have no reason for searching someone, do you not think that if you do in fact search them they might have a problem with it? Therefore, we can conclude that they are forbidden because there is no reason for them and many reasons to not have them. The Power of LOGIC.

What is the meaning of a sole propritorship?

A sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by only one person. Many businesses are sole proprietorships, especially small ones that are run from home.

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Sole proprietors often have trouble finding and keeping good employees. Small business generally cannot offer the security and advancement opportunities that many employees look for in a job. In addition, many sole proprietors are able to offer employees little in the way of Fringe benefits

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People think many other people are attractive. There's no "reason" as to why we are attracted to people.

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There are many opinions as to which part of the brain is involved in moral reason but they all say that the frontal lobes are the most important.

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Framers opposed a direct democracy for many reasons. The most important reason is because they were afraid of the rule of a majority.