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It is because Mercury is close to the Sun and that makes it difficult to see. I saw it at New Year 2015 but it had vanished a few days later.

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Q: Why do you think it is hard for astronometers on earth to learn about mercury?
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Why do you think it is hard for astronmers on Earth to lear about mercury?

because mercury is very near to the sun and its very hot.

What othe object in space does mercury resemble why?

Mercury resembles Earth's Moon in appearance

Smallest to the largest planets?

Mercury Mars Venus Earth Neptune Uranus Saturn Jupiter

Is it possible that earth like life forms may exist on mercury?

no i dont think so because if you live on mercury your going to need oxygen, on mercury, and no it doesn't exist.

Through their study of Earth geographers learn how the Earth and it's people affect?

I think the answer is each other.

Third closest planet to the sun?

In order from closest to farthest:1) Mercury, 2) Venus, 3) Earth, 4) Mars, 5) Jupiter, 6) Saturn.Followed by 7) Uranus, 8) Neptune and 9) Pluto (if you count it).

How many earths would it take to equal the mass of mercury?

I dont think there can ANY earths that can be the mass of mecury. mercury is smaller than earth

How many earths would it take to equal the mass mercury?

I dont think there can ANY earths that can be the mass of mecury. Mercury is smaller than earth

How old would be a 15 years old if he or she lived on mercury?

Nobody would live very long on Mercury.But I think what you're asking is: "How many times does Mercury revolve aroundthe sun in the same time that it takes the Earth to make 15 revolutions ?"Since Mercury's period of revolution is 87.97 Earth days, I get 62.3 Mercury yearsin 15 Earth years.

Where can a Pokemon learn earth power in soul silver?

I Think Only By Leveling UP

What were the Mayas able to learn about astronomy?

I think they discovered that the earth was round. I don't know for sure :)

Is there life form on Mercury?

No, we have never seen any evidence of aliens on Mercury.