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Q: Why do you think it is important to support the accuracy of your observations with further evidence?
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What did Brahe do in the late 1500s?

Tycho Brahe made major contributions to the field of astronomy with his observations of planetary motion and inventions of astronomical instruments to make those observations. The data he collected ultimately contributed to supporting the heliocentric theory of the solar system - which he didn't believe in. Further details and facts on Brahe can be found at the related link below.

How does Galileo methods of scientific investigation has revloutionzed the scientific ivestionss are conducted?

One of Galileo's innovations involved making a number of observations and measurements of the same event under different conditions. He discovered the effect that changing the length of a pendulum had on its period in this way. He also made observations of changes which occured during his experiements. When he rolled cannon balls down a slope, for example, he apparently measured how far the ball rolled at various stages of its journey. He discovered that the further it rolled, the more distance it travelled in a given time. In other words, he was able to measure how the ball accelerated. Previous observations had failed to make observations which detected and measured this accurately.

Which inner planet once had water on it?

The Rover mission confirmed that Mars once had liquid water on its surface.

How did Wernher Von Braun further America's space programs?

He was very important because he beat his wife up.

What was the result of the first moon landing?

America won the space race and collected important data to further explore our universe

Related questions

Why is it important to record your observations while you are examining a specimen?

Recording observations is important because it provides a permanent record of your findings, allowing for accurate data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It also helps to track changes over time and enables others to replicate the study or further investigate the specimen based on your observations.

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A suggested explanation that might be true and is subject to testing by further observations is

What is the meaning of hypothesizing?

Hypothesizing is the process of proposing an educated guess or explanation based on limited evidence or observations. It is a crucial step in the scientific method to form a testable prediction that can be further investigated through experimentation or research.

What is the meaning of hypothezing?

Hypothesizing is the process of forming a tentative explanation or educated guess based on limited evidence or observations. It is an essential part of the scientific method and is used to guide further research and experimentation to test the validity of the hypothesis.

How do scientists use the word theory?

Theories are based on observations and testing. They are widely held to be accurate and form the basis for scientific principles. Theories are upheld by mounting and corroborative evidence. In contrast, a hypothesis is a possible explanation based upon initial observations and an understanding of supporting facts. As observations and tests further support a hypothesis, it becomes accepted within the scientific community and begins to form a theory..

What can be stated about a theory?

A theory is a well-substantiated explanation that can be used to make predictions or provide insight into a phenomenon. It is based on observations, experimentation, and evidence, and serves as a framework for understanding a certain aspect of the natural world. The strength of a theory lies in its ability to be tested and potentially disproven through further research and observations.

Why is theory testing important?

Theory testing is important because it helps to validate or refute existing theories, leading to a better understanding of how things work in the world. By subjecting theories to rigorous testing, researchers can determine their accuracy and reliability, and make informed decisions based on the evidence generated. Theory testing also contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge by identifying areas that require further investigation or refinement.

How are telescopes used to assist astronomers?

They let them see further with higher accuracy.

Does a rifle go further than a musket?

In general, yes- and with MUCH greater accuracy.

What are the Observations of 40 years after independence?

to further clarify this question, we wanted to know what has been the observations in nigeria after her independence in all areas with particularly in regards to the political and economical system

What evidence shows that scout is a bright little girl in to kill a mockingbird?

Scout's advanced reading ability, her quick wit, independent thinking, and strong moral compass are all evidence of her intelligence and brightness in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Additionally, her ability to see the world from different perspectives and her insightful observations about the people and events around her further demonstrate her sharp intellect.

What do you call observations and measurements recorded during an experiment?

Observations and measurements recorded during an experiment are called results. These results can help to make a conclusion or theory or become the object of further study.