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Q: Why do you think large clouds can float in the sky?
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no clouds are are a gas which is why they can float around freely in the sky.

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What makes clouds float?

the heavenly sky gods

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What does leafy sky mean?

i would think that means the sky is very cloudy-- the clouds shaped like leaves

What is the definition overcast?

Clouds covering a large part of the sky.

Where do clouds go when its dark?

Clouds never really "go" anywhere, though, clouds are always floating which, eventually, causes them to float away. There are still clouds in the sky when it gets dark but they are harder to see.

What is the meaning of cloudy day?

The meaning of a cloudy day means that there are clouds in the sky. That could mean there is a blue sky with large white clouds floating about, or that it is very overcast with rain clouds in the air.

Do snow fall from the sky or clouds?

Clouds. But technically it is falling from the sky, from clouds in the sky.

What accounts for the large spaces of blue sky between cumulus clouds?

the weight of the rain in the clouds stretch them so the become spacy

What two verbs desribe clouds?

Verbs don't describe nouns (cloud is a noun), verbs show actions or states. action - I walked to school state - I love her. Some verbs that could go with cloud are: sail - The clouds sailed across the sky. float - The clouds floated above me. race - The small clouds raced across the sky. loom - The black clouds loomed on the horizon.

Why are sometimes clouds in the sky that don't rain or snow?

Clouds just collect water, they precipitate (rain) when there is a large amount of water in the clouds, so the clouds that you don't see rain are clouds that have collected water but not enough to precipitate.