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Fear. Even though the victims outnumbered the aggressors, they were scared.

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Q: Why do you think people allowed the Holocaust to occur?
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What did people think about the holocaust?

It was bad

What did people in Allied countries think when they heard about the Holocaust in World War 2?

what did people think of the holocaust that was reported during world war two?

Did women fight in the Holocaust?

No one fought in the holocaust. People died in the holocaust. People killed people in the holocaust. There was no fighting by men or women....but jsut because there was no fighting, don't think it was peaceful.

How many people were killed in the Iran Holocaust?

I don't think there is anything called the 'Iran Holocaust'.

How many children in the Holocaust's parents died during the Holocaust?

11 million people were killed. Think about that.

What do Jewish people think of the Holocaust?

Jews (along with many other cultures of people) think that the Holocaust was one of the most horrible and depressing times in history. Nothing can ever erase what was done.

How many people have died for there faith and what are their names?

think about the holocaust, genius

What do Jewish people think after the Holocaust?

Many Jewish people were too traumatized even to mention the Holocaust and what they had gone through, but when some of them heard people say that the holocaust never happened they overcame theri traumas and told their stories, or of the stories of their families.

Why do you think an even like the holocaust can happen again?

because people haven't changed.

Who almost killed Alexander the Great?

We are not sure how his death occur but some people thought he was killed because of plague and some people think that he was poisoned We are not sure how his death occur but some people thought he was killed because of plague and some people think that he was poisoned We are not sure how his death occur but some people thought he was killed because of plague and some people think that he was poisoned We are not sure how his death occur but some people thought he was killed because of plague and some people think that he was poisoned We are not sure how his death occur but some people thought he was killed because of plague and some people think that he was poisoned

Who think the Holocaust is bad?

the Holocaust was an event, you cannot attribute moral values to an event. There were victims and persecutors in this event. You can say that people were bad or their motivations were bad, you can say that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were bad, you could even say that it was a bad thing that the Holocaust had to happen. Sorry to come over all Buddhist, but people are bad, not things.

What you think about the holocaust?

i hate it