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As you know, light is electromagnetic wave. While sound is mechanical wave, Sound requires a medium to travel, and sound offers best condition for it. While light is enegry packates (photons) and solids hinder its path making it slower.

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Q: Why do you think sound usually travel fastest through solids but light usually travel slowest through solids?
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How well does sound travel through different materials?

It travels fastest through solids, slowest through gases, and liquids are in the middle.

Does sound travel slower through air solids or liquids?

Sounds travels slowest in air and fastest in solids. Generally, sound travels faster through materials of higher densities.

Why diffusion is fastest in gas and slowest in solids?

Maybe its the slowest in solids because the particles on it is compressed or tightly squeezed.While in gas, they are the fastest because the particles moves freely because gas is the most spacious matter of the 4.

Why is diffusion slowest in solids and fastest in gas?

Maybe its the slowest in solids because the particles on it is compressed or tightly squeezed.While in gas, they are the fastest because the particles moves freely because gas is the most spacious matter of the 4.

Do molecules in gases move the fastest?

Yes. Gases move fastest, followed by liquid, while solids are the slowest.

States would sound waves usually travel the fastest?

Sound waves travel the fastest through nonporous solids.

Does sound waves travel faster in solids and slowest in liquids?

Speed of sound is usually highest in solids and slowest in gasses, with liquid being somewhere inbetween.

Do sound waves trave their fastest in solids?

Yes. Sound waves travel fastest through solids.

What does sound travle fastest through?

through solids

Does sound travel faster through water than air?

yeah sound travels fastest through solids , than that through liquids and slowest in air and does not travel through Vaccum

Why is sound traveled slowest through a solid?

It doesnt. Sound actually travels faster the denser the medium is because the molecules are packed closer together. So sound travels fastest in solids.

Where would sound travel the fastest New York city pine forest of Georgia the north pole or the equator?

At the Equator sound waves travel the slowest through gases, faster through liquids, and fastest through solids. the Equator has a gas tank size of 21.1 gallons. On a full tank